My family came up on Sunday and we celebrated advent and played Pinocchle and Mom and I did some work on the dress is is making Joy for a wedding she is in. I was quite enjoyable, the coolest part is that my brother fixed my internet!!! Apprently our stupid Anivirus was blocking the sites... go figure.
So Hip, Hip, Hooray!!! Go Bug!! The talended kid also won 2nd place in a dance competition Friday Night!! Go kiddo!
So that is all the REALLY happy things that just happened. Christmas is just around the corner.. I can't wait!!
I have discovered some sad truths, just because you can read a recipe and follow directions, does not mean that you can cook anything, for me this is especially true of any recipe that calls for "egg whites beaten until stiff" and "wax paper". I made attempts at new recipes this year and both fell quite flat, literally. I was a rather traumatic experience.
It has been really cold and windy here lately, it is raining today. A while ago I had made a shelter for aHolly so the cold wind would be too bad, unfortunatley it was mad from wood and cardboard. So she ate the cardboard and demolished what she could of the wood, just it time to bring to pieces around her during the coldest part of the year! Silly bunny, shelters are for keeping warm, not eating!!
Sigh, I will have to come up with an alternate option, or something better constructed.
Well, thats all for now folks!
God Bless and I can't wait to see you all for Christmas!!
Monday, December 19, 2005
Thursday, December 15, 2005
I drove to work this morning and it was unbelievable!!
There is Frost Everywhere! And it is thick, it looks like it snowed overnight. I would guess it to be 1/8" thick, everything looks so beautiful!! The trees are lightly flocked and all the bare decidious trees look like lace doilies.
The Pointsettia that Jonathan brought me at work is still alive, sadly the one from Dan and Joy at hoem is swiftly dyeing, although I have decided to believe that it is not me that kills every living plant that comes in to my home, it just my home, spicifically the ad lack of sunny windows. So I will have to do with my plants here at work, I have a nice big window that is quite condusive to plants, I know this because my African Violet is still alive and I got it the day after I got hired. I can't wait till Christmas!! In exactly one week and a few hours Jonathan and I will be driving down to Longview, and The Festival of Christmas will continue. Since my Family celebrates Advent it started the Sunday After Thanksgiving.
I have hand-cut snowflakes hangin in my window, and it looks really pretty with the thick frost on the parking lot.
Well that is basically it! Have a merry week and a Merry Christmas!!
God Bless!!
I drove to work this morning and it was unbelievable!!
There is Frost Everywhere! And it is thick, it looks like it snowed overnight. I would guess it to be 1/8" thick, everything looks so beautiful!! The trees are lightly flocked and all the bare decidious trees look like lace doilies.
The Pointsettia that Jonathan brought me at work is still alive, sadly the one from Dan and Joy at hoem is swiftly dyeing, although I have decided to believe that it is not me that kills every living plant that comes in to my home, it just my home, spicifically the ad lack of sunny windows. So I will have to do with my plants here at work, I have a nice big window that is quite condusive to plants, I know this because my African Violet is still alive and I got it the day after I got hired. I can't wait till Christmas!! In exactly one week and a few hours Jonathan and I will be driving down to Longview, and The Festival of Christmas will continue. Since my Family celebrates Advent it started the Sunday After Thanksgiving.
I have hand-cut snowflakes hangin in my window, and it looks really pretty with the thick frost on the parking lot.
Well that is basically it! Have a merry week and a Merry Christmas!!
God Bless!!
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Stupid Internet and Happier Times
Hi all!
My internet is possessed by a demon. So here I am writing my blog from work. There is something wrong with our internet at home that is unexplainable. it will allow us to visit many webpages, just not any of the ones that you log into. So no e-bay, no blog, no e-mail and no IM.
Sadness, So I occasionaly use my work computer.
What has happened since that last time I wrote?
Well, the snow melted :(
We finished decorating the house for Christmas :)
If you are ever in the area, you should stop by, the tree is pretty I ahve Christmas music and we can have Christmas cookies and coffee or cocoa, depending on your preference.
I made Lots of Christmas cookes that are very yummy, and a handful of experimental ones that mostly got thrown out.
Jonathan and I met up with my family and saw Naria!! It was very well done, I think that I will want to own it when it comes out on DVD. Having read the books MANY times, there are one or two things I would have added/changed, but all in all, it was quite enjoyable. I missplaced my cell phone just before the movie started and thought that I had lost it for good, luckily though it had indeed fallen out of my purse, it had fallen out into my car.
Saturday Morning we headed out to Leavenworth with Dan and Joy, we stopped at this great little bakery in Greenlake and filled up on caffiene and Joy and I split a delicious "orange raisin nutmeg bread pudding", since I was driving Joy had to feed me like a baby, but it didn't detract from the taste. The sunrise was beautiful, we watched it coming up over the mountains while we were driving, it was amazing!!! Leavenworth was so much fun! there was a very attractive amount of snow and lots of pretty icicles. I managed to slip and fall one some ice once, I have a nice bruise and a couple of sore spots, but nothing that I can't handle.
I am looking forward to seeing everyone for Christmas!!
I will try to post pictures once Joy e-mails them to me!
God Bless and Marry Christmas!!
My internet is possessed by a demon. So here I am writing my blog from work. There is something wrong with our internet at home that is unexplainable. it will allow us to visit many webpages, just not any of the ones that you log into. So no e-bay, no blog, no e-mail and no IM.
Sadness, So I occasionaly use my work computer.
What has happened since that last time I wrote?
Well, the snow melted :(
We finished decorating the house for Christmas :)
If you are ever in the area, you should stop by, the tree is pretty I ahve Christmas music and we can have Christmas cookies and coffee or cocoa, depending on your preference.
I made Lots of Christmas cookes that are very yummy, and a handful of experimental ones that mostly got thrown out.
Jonathan and I met up with my family and saw Naria!! It was very well done, I think that I will want to own it when it comes out on DVD. Having read the books MANY times, there are one or two things I would have added/changed, but all in all, it was quite enjoyable. I missplaced my cell phone just before the movie started and thought that I had lost it for good, luckily though it had indeed fallen out of my purse, it had fallen out into my car.
Saturday Morning we headed out to Leavenworth with Dan and Joy, we stopped at this great little bakery in Greenlake and filled up on caffiene and Joy and I split a delicious "orange raisin nutmeg bread pudding", since I was driving Joy had to feed me like a baby, but it didn't detract from the taste. The sunrise was beautiful, we watched it coming up over the mountains while we were driving, it was amazing!!! Leavenworth was so much fun! there was a very attractive amount of snow and lots of pretty icicles. I managed to slip and fall one some ice once, I have a nice bruise and a couple of sore spots, but nothing that I can't handle.
I am looking forward to seeing everyone for Christmas!!
I will try to post pictures once Joy e-mails them to me!
God Bless and Marry Christmas!!
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Friday, December 02, 2005
Kissing Under the Mistletoe
By Sara Williams:
Kissing under the mistletoe has long been a part of Christmas tradition. But just what is mistletoe and how did its association with Christmas evolve?
About the Plant - Mistletoe is especially interesting botanically because it is a partial parasite (a "hemi-parasite"). As a parasitic plant, it grows on the branches or trunk of a tree and actually sends out roots that penetrate into the tree and take up nutrients. But mistletoe is also capable for growing on its own; like other plants it can produce its own food by photosynthesis. Mistletoe, however, is more commonly found growing as a parasitic plant.
There are two types of mistletoe. The mistletoe that is commonly used as a Christmas decoration (Phoradendron flavescens) is native to North America and grows as a parasite on trees from New Jersey to Florida. The other type of mistletoe, Viscum album, is of European origin. The Greeks and earlier peoples thought that it had mystical powers and down through the centuries it became associated with many folklore customs.
The European mistletoe is a green shrub with small, yellow flowers and white, sticky berries which are considered poisonous. It commonly seen on apple but only rarely on oak trees. The rarer oak mistletoe was greatly venerated by the ancient Celts and Germans and used as a ceremonial plant by early Europeans.
The traditions which began with the European mistletoe were transferred to the similar American plant with the process of immigration and settlement.
Origins of its name: the common name of the plant is derived from the ancient belief that mistletoe was propagated from bird droppings. This belief was related to the then-accepted principle that life could spring spontaneously from dung. It was observed in ancient times that mistletoe would often appear on a branch or twig where birds had left droppings. "Mistel" is the Anglo-Saxon word for "dung," and "tan" is the word for "twig". So, mistletoe means "dung-on-a-twig".
By the sixteenth century, botanists had discovered that the mistletoe plant was spread by seeds which had passed through the digestive tract of birds. One of the earliest written references to this appeared in England, in 1532, in an Herbal published by Turner. Botanists of the time also observed that the sticky berry seeds of the mistletoe tended to cling to the bills of birds. When the birds cleaned their bills by rubbing them against the branches or bark of trees, the seeds were further scattered.
The magical traditions - From the earliest times mistletoe has been one of the most magical, mysterious, and sacred plants of European folklore. It was considered a bestower of life and fertility; a protectant against poison; and an aphrodisiac.
The mistletoe of the sacred oak was especially sacred to the ancient Celtic Druids. On the sixth night of the moon white-robed Druid priests would cut the oak mistletoe with a golden sickle. Two white bulls would be sacrificed amid prayers that the recipients of the mistletoe would prosper.
Later, the ritual of cutting the mistletoe from the oak came symbolize the emasculation of the old King by his successor. Mistletoe was long regarded as both a sexual symbol and the "soul" of the oak. It was gathered at both mid-summer and winter solstices, and the custom of using mistletoe to decorate houses at Christmas is a survival of the Druid and other pre-Christian traditions. (Mistletoe is still ceremonially plucked on mid-summer eve in some Celtic and Scandinavian countries.)
In the Middle Ages and later, branches of mistletoe were hung from ceilings to ward off evil spirits. In Europe they were placed over house and stable doors to prevent the entrance of witches.
It was also believed that the oak mistletoe could extinguish fire. This was associated with an earlier belief that the mistletoe itself could come to the tree during a flash of lightning.
In parts of England and Wales farmers would give the Christmas bunch of mistletoe to the first cow that calved in the New Year. This was thought to bring good luck to the entire herd.
Kissing under the mistletoe is first found associated with the Greek festival of Saturnalia and later with primitive marriage rites. Mistletoe was believed to have the power of bestowing fertility, and the dung from which the mistletoe was thought to arise was also said to have "life-giving" power.
In Scandinavia, mistletoe was considered a plant of peace, under which enemies could declare a truce or warring spouses kiss and make-up.
In some parts of England the Christmas mistletoe is burned on the twelfth night lest all the boys and girls who have kissed under it never marry.
And for those who wish to observe the correct etiquette: a man should pluck a berry when he kisses a woman under the mistletoe, and when the last berry is gone, there should be no more kissing! It is believed that an unmarried woman not kissed under the mistletoe will remain single for another year.
A health to mistletoe and a Merry Christmas!
Thank you:
Kissing under the mistletoe has long been a part of Christmas tradition. But just what is mistletoe and how did its association with Christmas evolve?
About the Plant - Mistletoe is especially interesting botanically because it is a partial parasite (a "hemi-parasite"). As a parasitic plant, it grows on the branches or trunk of a tree and actually sends out roots that penetrate into the tree and take up nutrients. But mistletoe is also capable for growing on its own; like other plants it can produce its own food by photosynthesis. Mistletoe, however, is more commonly found growing as a parasitic plant.
There are two types of mistletoe. The mistletoe that is commonly used as a Christmas decoration (Phoradendron flavescens) is native to North America and grows as a parasite on trees from New Jersey to Florida. The other type of mistletoe, Viscum album, is of European origin. The Greeks and earlier peoples thought that it had mystical powers and down through the centuries it became associated with many folklore customs.
The European mistletoe is a green shrub with small, yellow flowers and white, sticky berries which are considered poisonous. It commonly seen on apple but only rarely on oak trees. The rarer oak mistletoe was greatly venerated by the ancient Celts and Germans and used as a ceremonial plant by early Europeans.
The traditions which began with the European mistletoe were transferred to the similar American plant with the process of immigration and settlement.
Origins of its name: the common name of the plant is derived from the ancient belief that mistletoe was propagated from bird droppings. This belief was related to the then-accepted principle that life could spring spontaneously from dung. It was observed in ancient times that mistletoe would often appear on a branch or twig where birds had left droppings. "Mistel" is the Anglo-Saxon word for "dung," and "tan" is the word for "twig". So, mistletoe means "dung-on-a-twig".
By the sixteenth century, botanists had discovered that the mistletoe plant was spread by seeds which had passed through the digestive tract of birds. One of the earliest written references to this appeared in England, in 1532, in an Herbal published by Turner. Botanists of the time also observed that the sticky berry seeds of the mistletoe tended to cling to the bills of birds. When the birds cleaned their bills by rubbing them against the branches or bark of trees, the seeds were further scattered.
The magical traditions - From the earliest times mistletoe has been one of the most magical, mysterious, and sacred plants of European folklore. It was considered a bestower of life and fertility; a protectant against poison; and an aphrodisiac.
The mistletoe of the sacred oak was especially sacred to the ancient Celtic Druids. On the sixth night of the moon white-robed Druid priests would cut the oak mistletoe with a golden sickle. Two white bulls would be sacrificed amid prayers that the recipients of the mistletoe would prosper.
Later, the ritual of cutting the mistletoe from the oak came symbolize the emasculation of the old King by his successor. Mistletoe was long regarded as both a sexual symbol and the "soul" of the oak. It was gathered at both mid-summer and winter solstices, and the custom of using mistletoe to decorate houses at Christmas is a survival of the Druid and other pre-Christian traditions. (Mistletoe is still ceremonially plucked on mid-summer eve in some Celtic and Scandinavian countries.)
In the Middle Ages and later, branches of mistletoe were hung from ceilings to ward off evil spirits. In Europe they were placed over house and stable doors to prevent the entrance of witches.
It was also believed that the oak mistletoe could extinguish fire. This was associated with an earlier belief that the mistletoe itself could come to the tree during a flash of lightning.
In parts of England and Wales farmers would give the Christmas bunch of mistletoe to the first cow that calved in the New Year. This was thought to bring good luck to the entire herd.
Kissing under the mistletoe is first found associated with the Greek festival of Saturnalia and later with primitive marriage rites. Mistletoe was believed to have the power of bestowing fertility, and the dung from which the mistletoe was thought to arise was also said to have "life-giving" power.
In Scandinavia, mistletoe was considered a plant of peace, under which enemies could declare a truce or warring spouses kiss and make-up.
In some parts of England the Christmas mistletoe is burned on the twelfth night lest all the boys and girls who have kissed under it never marry.
And for those who wish to observe the correct etiquette: a man should pluck a berry when he kisses a woman under the mistletoe, and when the last berry is gone, there should be no more kissing! It is believed that an unmarried woman not kissed under the mistletoe will remain single for another year.
A health to mistletoe and a Merry Christmas!
Thank you:
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
No Snow
Hey all!! check out my new "space" it has a photo slideshow attached.
On another note, yesterday was a bit interesting.
All day we listened to the radio at work while the news people said that it was going to snow overnight. So here I am at work watching the... you guessed it, rain.
Oh well.
My friend Sarah, came over lastnight to spend the night cause she had her big nursing test today. It has a funny name, but I forget what its called. Anyway the testing center is in Renton, so she stayed with us so she woudn't have to drive as far. It was fun. I hope that she is doing well on the test. Also our family friend Cindy and her daughter Christina stopped by to look at my green ("Christine") dress, and ended up borrowing it for a play.
Tonight Jonathan and I are heading out to get our Christmas Tree!!! It be tall and green and REAL!! I can't wait!
Well thats basically it for now, when I get the house all decorated for Christmas I will try to put up some pictures :)
God Bless!
On another note, yesterday was a bit interesting.
All day we listened to the radio at work while the news people said that it was going to snow overnight. So here I am at work watching the... you guessed it, rain.
Oh well.
My friend Sarah, came over lastnight to spend the night cause she had her big nursing test today. It has a funny name, but I forget what its called. Anyway the testing center is in Renton, so she stayed with us so she woudn't have to drive as far. It was fun. I hope that she is doing well on the test. Also our family friend Cindy and her daughter Christina stopped by to look at my green ("Christine") dress, and ended up borrowing it for a play.
Tonight Jonathan and I are heading out to get our Christmas Tree!!! It be tall and green and REAL!! I can't wait!
Well thats basically it for now, when I get the house all decorated for Christmas I will try to put up some pictures :)
God Bless!
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
What kind of Smart are You?
All-Around Smart You are all-around smart. Essentially, that means that you are a good combination of your own knowledge and experience, along with having learned through instruction - and you are equally as good with theoretical things as you are with real-world, applied things. You have a well-rounded brain. 20% applied intelligence 20% learned intelligence | ||||
Take'>">Take this quiz at |
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Cold Weather is all well and good unless it’s in your cubicle. Then it’s just cold. I had this darling little space heater to keep me warm here at my desk, unfortunately it’s a powerful little sucker and it shut off all the power in my office, twice. So now I am back to bundling up for work. Sweaters, parkas and the like, sadly I cannot type in gloves. We did put a piece of board in the vent where the air conditioning comes out, it will hopefully slow the dispersal of frigid air.
Okay, on to happier Thoughts! THANKSGIVING!! I love thanksgiving. It’s a lot of fun. Tomorrow I will be heading down to Longview to visit all the Family J and eat. There will be much eating! Friday Night we will head up to Graham to visit my Family there and do the eating thing again on Saturday!! Wow, I am full just thinking about it. I can’t wait to see everyone, then we get to do it all again for Christmas. Although after 3 delicious Turkeys this coming weekend I think I will be giving extra points for anyone who cooks, say ham for Christmas!! I love turkey though, I am just sorry that I will not get all the leftovers, ah the things you can do with turkey… sandwiches, soup, open faced sandwiches- I love it all, especially sandwiches with cranberry sauce.
So I want to Thank God for all of you, my family; Mom, Dad, Julie and Jeremiah, and The Ferguson’s Chris, Jan, Laura, and Teresa, my old and new extended family; G &G Nesler, Grandpa Larry and Grandma Ruth, Grandad and Grandma Theo, Aunt Linda, Aunt Bev, and Uncle Rich, Gloria and Deborah. And all my Aunts and cousins on my mom’s side, especially Aunt Marsha and my cousin Jess. I thank God for my wonderful husband Jonathan, and for my bunny rabbit (who will be coming to Longview with us), for several welcoming homes to go to, to eat a full meal. I thank God for the friends we have been blessed with and even for the ones we haven’t met yet. I thank God for my job, and reliable transportation. God has blessed me very much, and I hope that all of you take time to look at your blessings today and everyday.
May God Bless You,
Happy Thanksgiving!
Okay, on to happier Thoughts! THANKSGIVING!! I love thanksgiving. It’s a lot of fun. Tomorrow I will be heading down to Longview to visit all the Family J and eat. There will be much eating! Friday Night we will head up to Graham to visit my Family there and do the eating thing again on Saturday!! Wow, I am full just thinking about it. I can’t wait to see everyone, then we get to do it all again for Christmas. Although after 3 delicious Turkeys this coming weekend I think I will be giving extra points for anyone who cooks, say ham for Christmas!! I love turkey though, I am just sorry that I will not get all the leftovers, ah the things you can do with turkey… sandwiches, soup, open faced sandwiches- I love it all, especially sandwiches with cranberry sauce.
So I want to Thank God for all of you, my family; Mom, Dad, Julie and Jeremiah, and The Ferguson’s Chris, Jan, Laura, and Teresa, my old and new extended family; G &G Nesler, Grandpa Larry and Grandma Ruth, Grandad and Grandma Theo, Aunt Linda, Aunt Bev, and Uncle Rich, Gloria and Deborah. And all my Aunts and cousins on my mom’s side, especially Aunt Marsha and my cousin Jess. I thank God for my wonderful husband Jonathan, and for my bunny rabbit (who will be coming to Longview with us), for several welcoming homes to go to, to eat a full meal. I thank God for the friends we have been blessed with and even for the ones we haven’t met yet. I thank God for my job, and reliable transportation. God has blessed me very much, and I hope that all of you take time to look at your blessings today and everyday.
May God Bless You,
Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
I love this time of year. Not a big fan of cold and wet, but other than that I love this season. I love Thanksgiving, and I cannot wait to explode with Christmas exitement. Now those of you who have spent a few Christmas' with me know that I get the Christmas itch the first week of November or so. You also know that there is always someone in my life that contains that itch, in my younger days in was my dad, then in college my all too sensible roomate, now, my beloved husband. In all cases they spend about 26 days trying to keep me in check (in respect for the beloved Thanksgiving) and then can't believe it when all my bottled-up Christmas love comes popping out as soon and The Thanksgiving pie is consumed. So this is me right now:
Taking in all the early Christmas decorations like they are best friends and quickly covering my mouth when a Christmas song comes to mind, to keep Jonathan from teasing me, then he does it anyway.
I have really pretty trees outside my window at work that are still changing colors and dropping leaves. And almost every day as I leave work I watch about a million crows head south for the winter. Jonathan and I went shopping and we each got a sweater, now I love sweaters, almost as much as the rest of all things Christmas. And I am so glad that Jonathan finally has one.
Holly likes Christmas too, I went and got her a salt lick... she was so excited she tried to take a bite out of it! Silly bunny. She calmed a bit once I gave her her dinner.
Well, thats all I have to say, I have been doing a bit of Christmas shopping, which I obviously caonnot talk about in such mixed company.
I love you all! Enjoy the Autumn beauty and (don't tell Jonathan I said this) Here comes Christmas!!
God Bless!!
Taking in all the early Christmas decorations like they are best friends and quickly covering my mouth when a Christmas song comes to mind, to keep Jonathan from teasing me, then he does it anyway.
I have really pretty trees outside my window at work that are still changing colors and dropping leaves. And almost every day as I leave work I watch about a million crows head south for the winter. Jonathan and I went shopping and we each got a sweater, now I love sweaters, almost as much as the rest of all things Christmas. And I am so glad that Jonathan finally has one.
Holly likes Christmas too, I went and got her a salt lick... she was so excited she tried to take a bite out of it! Silly bunny. She calmed a bit once I gave her her dinner.
Well, thats all I have to say, I have been doing a bit of Christmas shopping, which I obviously caonnot talk about in such mixed company.
I love you all! Enjoy the Autumn beauty and (don't tell Jonathan I said this) Here comes Christmas!!
God Bless!!
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Costume Party
Dan and Joy hosted a Costume Party this last weekend and Jonathan and I went and enjoyed ourselves. We dragged Laura along with us and I am pretty sure that she had fun too. :)
Jonathan and I went as The Phantom and Christine From "Phantom of The Opera". Dan was a hobbit and Joy a Tolkien Elve.
Life is going well, I am looking forward to the visit from the Ferguson's this weekend.
Jonathan finally broke down and bought high end shoes... he usually purchases "payless" shoes and they wear out quickly so Last Night we went to Nordstom and Jonathan got a very nice pair of wingtips, he did the math and figured out that it was cheaper!
There is not too much going on around here, we both work and live life :)
Of course it is Christmas shopping season, which I REALLY enjoy.
For now that is it!
God Bless!
Jonathan and I went as The Phantom and Christine From "Phantom of The Opera". Dan was a hobbit and Joy a Tolkien Elve.
Life is going well, I am looking forward to the visit from the Ferguson's this weekend.
Jonathan finally broke down and bought high end shoes... he usually purchases "payless" shoes and they wear out quickly so Last Night we went to Nordstom and Jonathan got a very nice pair of wingtips, he did the math and figured out that it was cheaper!
There is not too much going on around here, we both work and live life :)
Of course it is Christmas shopping season, which I REALLY enjoy.
For now that is it!
God Bless!
Monday, October 24, 2005
Catch Up...
I know, I know, behind again!
We went to my parent’s house this weekend and Dad BBQ’ed Ribs, and Jonathan and I agree, they were the best ribs we have ever had! My mom and sister and I stepped out of the house for a bit to do some shopping, None of us bought anything, but we sure had fun, I wanted to but I am officially broke, I did advise my mom and sister and fashion of course, LOL. They both put an outfit on hold. I hope they are able to get them, because they looked like a million bucks!
This weekend I am devoting myself to getting the house clean! It went awry due to my serious lack of motivation; I am blaming it on the tooth extraction, which, by the way, is doing very well now. I still have a little swelling that could keep part of my lip numb for another 2 weeks, but I am almost used to it. I have to learn how to chew all over again, because the muscles atrophied while I wasn’t eating solid foods. It is quite the experience.
Friday I went with my boss to out new location that will be complete tomorrow in Mukilteo, it was really cool to see it in progress and help get it finished. My boss has done an amazing job putting it together! Today I am back to my regular desk bound schedule which is good, cause a bit of work piled up! This weekend Aunt Linda is coming up and we will be going to the Seattle Art Museum, known to us Seattleites as “SAM” I am excited, I have not been there since my Freshman year in College, which was a while ago… anyway there is so much to see and they are always changing the exhibit, even then you could never see it all in one visit! I am definitely looking forward to it.
Well, that is all for now!
God Bless!
We went to my parent’s house this weekend and Dad BBQ’ed Ribs, and Jonathan and I agree, they were the best ribs we have ever had! My mom and sister and I stepped out of the house for a bit to do some shopping, None of us bought anything, but we sure had fun, I wanted to but I am officially broke, I did advise my mom and sister and fashion of course, LOL. They both put an outfit on hold. I hope they are able to get them, because they looked like a million bucks!
This weekend I am devoting myself to getting the house clean! It went awry due to my serious lack of motivation; I am blaming it on the tooth extraction, which, by the way, is doing very well now. I still have a little swelling that could keep part of my lip numb for another 2 weeks, but I am almost used to it. I have to learn how to chew all over again, because the muscles atrophied while I wasn’t eating solid foods. It is quite the experience.
Friday I went with my boss to out new location that will be complete tomorrow in Mukilteo, it was really cool to see it in progress and help get it finished. My boss has done an amazing job putting it together! Today I am back to my regular desk bound schedule which is good, cause a bit of work piled up! This weekend Aunt Linda is coming up and we will be going to the Seattle Art Museum, known to us Seattleites as “SAM” I am excited, I have not been there since my Freshman year in College, which was a while ago… anyway there is so much to see and they are always changing the exhibit, even then you could never see it all in one visit! I am definitely looking forward to it.
Well, that is all for now!
God Bless!
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Weekend Warrior?
The Dreaded Wisdom teeth removal weekend is over. On Friday I went to the oral surgeons and they hooked me up, and I promptly lost consciousness. I woke up sometime later with my jacket on in a different room… They say I rode in a wheelchair, but I certainly don’t remember it. They gave Jonathan maintenance instructions for me and we went home. I spent most of the time hungry and speechless, while Jonathan waited on me and I watched way too many hours of mindless Television. I watched Star Trek and Home improvement shows, we watched A Walk to Remember, Ice Age, and then later Laura lent me “Laura” which was interesting… I also saw the TV versions of Runaway Bride and Pretty Woman. Jonathan did banking on the computer. The pain meds make me really dizzy and disoriented. I am back at work and just on Ibuprofen, not as effective for the pain, but no debilitating effects. The first day my lip stayed numb for 21 hours. Every once in a while one spot still feels numb, but it comes and goes. I cannot smile- it is too painful and the attempt looks more like a grimace than anything happy. I received an adorable get well card from the Ferguson’s- with a cute kitten and Jonathan got me pretty flowers to cheer me up. I am very glad it is over with and can’t wait to chew something again, and brush my teeth!
God Bless, Chris we are praying for you and your surgery, and Grandma- we are really glad that you are ok and back home. We love you all!
God Bless, Chris we are praying for you and your surgery, and Grandma- we are really glad that you are ok and back home. We love you all!
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Fun, Food and Laughter
This weekend has been great! Dan and Joy met us early Saturday morning to go through a Corn Maze a few miles South of us. We had a great time, working our way through the maze. Each maze had 6 stops with posts driven into the ground with a unique shaped hole punch that you could use to prove that you made it to each spot. It was a blast! After the maze we came home and stuffed a turkey and put it in the oven for 3 hours. Joy took a little nap as she had been up late due to work the night before. Then we played an exciting game of Poker and waited for Anna, Josh and Sarah to show up. By the time of their arrival only Dan and Joy were left in the game, and we started more intense dinner preparation, mashing potatoes and preparing the crescent rolls and yams for the oven. Once we pulled the tukey out we put in the yams and rolls. Then Jonathan carved the turkey and I made Gravy. Everything came together and Ken (a friend of Anna's) arrived and we prepared to feast. Jonathan said the blessing and we dug in! Sarah told us a story of how she got mugged by monkey's in Costa Rica, we almost died of laughter. Afterwards we played telephone pictionary while our bodies made room for dessert. Dessert was wonderful! We had a pumpkin pie and chocolate cream pie and vanilla and pumpkin ice cream. It was delicious! After that people slowly headed home, all it all it was a success!
Today Jonathan and I made use of our leftovers for sandwiches, Yum.
That is out great weekend!
God Bless!
This weekend has been great! Dan and Joy met us early Saturday morning to go through a Corn Maze a few miles South of us. We had a great time, working our way through the maze. Each maze had 6 stops with posts driven into the ground with a unique shaped hole punch that you could use to prove that you made it to each spot. It was a blast! After the maze we came home and stuffed a turkey and put it in the oven for 3 hours. Joy took a little nap as she had been up late due to work the night before. Then we played an exciting game of Poker and waited for Anna, Josh and Sarah to show up. By the time of their arrival only Dan and Joy were left in the game, and we started more intense dinner preparation, mashing potatoes and preparing the crescent rolls and yams for the oven. Once we pulled the tukey out we put in the yams and rolls. Then Jonathan carved the turkey and I made Gravy. Everything came together and Ken (a friend of Anna's) arrived and we prepared to feast. Jonathan said the blessing and we dug in! Sarah told us a story of how she got mugged by monkey's in Costa Rica, we almost died of laughter. Afterwards we played telephone pictionary while our bodies made room for dessert. Dessert was wonderful! We had a pumpkin pie and chocolate cream pie and vanilla and pumpkin ice cream. It was delicious! After that people slowly headed home, all it all it was a success!
Today Jonathan and I made use of our leftovers for sandwiches, Yum.
That is out great weekend!
God Bless!

After the corn maze we picked out pumpkins to take home, we found them in the pumpkin field, but Dan and Joy's weighed 35 pounds, so they picked a new one.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Do Something Nice
Hello all!
Well, it turned out that I was able to see Alias after all, I felt sick enough to go home form work and sick enough to not want to go anywhere that evening, so we stayed in and watched Alias. I am really looking for ward to this weekend, The Rowe’s and Sherman’s are coming over to celebrate with us. Not that we have anything specific to celebrate, we just are. So we are going to a corn maze then coming back to cook a full scale Turkey dinner and play games while it cooks. I am so excited!!!
According to my work calendar today is “Do Something Nice Day” I was unable to find any history on it so I guess it’s just one of those thing someone said and it got picked up by some other folks. October is also National Pizza Month, among other things!
We had a lot of fun this last weekend in Longview, we saw Serenity (I highly recommend it) and basically played games and took it easy. The relatives came over and we had a great time visiting. I look forward to our next visit.
Well that’s about it.
God Bless!
Well, it turned out that I was able to see Alias after all, I felt sick enough to go home form work and sick enough to not want to go anywhere that evening, so we stayed in and watched Alias. I am really looking for ward to this weekend, The Rowe’s and Sherman’s are coming over to celebrate with us. Not that we have anything specific to celebrate, we just are. So we are going to a corn maze then coming back to cook a full scale Turkey dinner and play games while it cooks. I am so excited!!!
According to my work calendar today is “Do Something Nice Day” I was unable to find any history on it so I guess it’s just one of those thing someone said and it got picked up by some other folks. October is also National Pizza Month, among other things!
We had a lot of fun this last weekend in Longview, we saw Serenity (I highly recommend it) and basically played games and took it easy. The relatives came over and we had a great time visiting. I look forward to our next visit.
Well that’s about it.
God Bless!
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Calling for Help from all Alias Fans...
******Being Thursday Jonathan and I have Thursday Night Party. Unfortunately we are the only Alias fans among the usual group, and it is not at our place tonight, so we are going to miss the season premiere!!!!!!!
SO- if any of you have a working TV and VCR- I would be unbelievably thrilled if you could record it for me... especially if I am going to be seeing you soon.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, I will even give you a new blank tape if you want...
If you think you can help me out, please leave a comment or give me a call to let me know so I can rest easy. ******
Thanks- I love you all (even if you don't like Alias)
God Bless!
SO- if any of you have a working TV and VCR- I would be unbelievably thrilled if you could record it for me... especially if I am going to be seeing you soon.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, I will even give you a new blank tape if you want...
If you think you can help me out, please leave a comment or give me a call to let me know so I can rest easy. ******
Thanks- I love you all (even if you don't like Alias)
God Bless!
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Back to My Boring Blogs...
Hello all!
All has been well up here, Joy was bored so she came over to visit and share dinner with us, then Laura joined us. We tried Papa Murhy’s “Big Murphy” stuffed pizza- and boy was it good! A single slice was like 2 slices of a regular pizza! Jonathan, Laura and I played a great game of poker- Jonathan was the first one out, then it was just Laura and I! I managed to whittle her down to just a couple of dollars before she had to head home, so all in all (from my perspective) it was a great game!! Work has been going well. One of My co-workers spent the weekend in Hawaii and brought back an anklet for each of us, it is really pretty! I have a window in my “cubicle” and just love to watch the leaves change colors. Jonathan and I are looking forward to visiting all the folks in Longview this weekend. I am not looking forward to a consultation about having my wisdom teeth removed. And we are looking forward to some new fall traditions, last year we went to a corn maze near by and had a great time! This year we are going to do it again and have some friends over to go with us and follow it up with a turkey feast! I am really excited. Then come December we will head to Leavenworth with Dan and Joy on our annual Tree lighting trip! Then Christmas will come!! I simply cannot wait to sing Christmas Carol without being chastised by all who know me!
Well that’s life in a nutshell.
God Bless!
All has been well up here, Joy was bored so she came over to visit and share dinner with us, then Laura joined us. We tried Papa Murhy’s “Big Murphy” stuffed pizza- and boy was it good! A single slice was like 2 slices of a regular pizza! Jonathan, Laura and I played a great game of poker- Jonathan was the first one out, then it was just Laura and I! I managed to whittle her down to just a couple of dollars before she had to head home, so all in all (from my perspective) it was a great game!! Work has been going well. One of My co-workers spent the weekend in Hawaii and brought back an anklet for each of us, it is really pretty! I have a window in my “cubicle” and just love to watch the leaves change colors. Jonathan and I are looking forward to visiting all the folks in Longview this weekend. I am not looking forward to a consultation about having my wisdom teeth removed. And we are looking forward to some new fall traditions, last year we went to a corn maze near by and had a great time! This year we are going to do it again and have some friends over to go with us and follow it up with a turkey feast! I am really excited. Then come December we will head to Leavenworth with Dan and Joy on our annual Tree lighting trip! Then Christmas will come!! I simply cannot wait to sing Christmas Carol without being chastised by all who know me!
Well that’s life in a nutshell.
God Bless!
Friday, September 23, 2005
The Descent of Autumn
Hello all! It’s officially fall, not just because the calendar says so, but because the leaves are turning a beautiful red color and we had our first fire in the fireplace last night at Thursday night get together. We sat and sipped tea- it was quite enjoyable!
I am excited… I get to go visit my Grandma and Grandpa Nesler tomorrow!!! I haven’t seen them in ages! Life is good, I am now officially dreaming of Christmas and attempting to withhold the carols that I want to start singing, but can’t until after Thanksgiving. Sigh. It was (and still is) cold this morning, my breath was quite visible when I was outside- I am wearing a sweater today, I love cozy sweaters!!
The only negative thing about fall is that everyone seems to be getting sick, including myself. I am going to fight this onslaught as hard as I can, but I have a feeling that I will eventually have to succumb. Oh well.
There is not a lot going on right now, so that is really it. Hope you are all enjoying the autumn colors as much as I am!
God Bless!
I am excited… I get to go visit my Grandma and Grandpa Nesler tomorrow!!! I haven’t seen them in ages! Life is good, I am now officially dreaming of Christmas and attempting to withhold the carols that I want to start singing, but can’t until after Thanksgiving. Sigh. It was (and still is) cold this morning, my breath was quite visible when I was outside- I am wearing a sweater today, I love cozy sweaters!!
The only negative thing about fall is that everyone seems to be getting sick, including myself. I am going to fight this onslaught as hard as I can, but I have a feeling that I will eventually have to succumb. Oh well.
There is not a lot going on right now, so that is really it. Hope you are all enjoying the autumn colors as much as I am!
God Bless!
Monday, September 19, 2005
What really Happened
It is a lovely sunny Monday morning. I have an African Violet sitting with its smiling purple face in my window here at work. All is going well, Jonathan and I really enjoyed ourselves Friday night, we ended up not going dancing, but we did spend a riotious evening with Kristin and Natalie. We met Nat’s boyfriend and enjoyed delightful Mexican hot chocolate with marshmallows, while playing “Trivial Pursuit” It got late so we left before the end of the game, but my team was tied for first.
Saturday morning we went to the Puyallup Fair!! What fun! We looked at many things, including a very impressive Dahlia Display. We had a caricature of us done and went on a couple of rides. And we ate!! We have Pete’s BBQ and an Elephant ear, and a horse and cow pie. I think the horse was my favorite and next time I will just forget the cow. We looked at all the livestock, I decided that I wanted a goat, then changed my mind and wanted a llama instead. Though, if I ever had a barnyard animal I would really just want a horse. But the llama’s were a lot of fun.
We arrived home just after Chris and Jan showed up and enjoyed some time together before hitting the sack. Sunday was enjoyable and relaxing.
I will try to post some pictures when I get home for your enjoyment.
That’s all for now folks!
God Bless!
Saturday morning we went to the Puyallup Fair!! What fun! We looked at many things, including a very impressive Dahlia Display. We had a caricature of us done and went on a couple of rides. And we ate!! We have Pete’s BBQ and an Elephant ear, and a horse and cow pie. I think the horse was my favorite and next time I will just forget the cow. We looked at all the livestock, I decided that I wanted a goat, then changed my mind and wanted a llama instead. Though, if I ever had a barnyard animal I would really just want a horse. But the llama’s were a lot of fun.
We arrived home just after Chris and Jan showed up and enjoyed some time together before hitting the sack. Sunday was enjoyable and relaxing.
I will try to post some pictures when I get home for your enjoyment.
That’s all for now folks!
God Bless!
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Finally, another Blog from Renton...
Hey all!
Well life has been good! I love my new job and it is going really well. For those who want the details, here goes.
I am the “Design Center Coordinator” for SuperFloors, a company that sells flooring, countertops and window treatments to buyers of new homes. They buyers come in and pick everything out then it is installed into they new home! It is a cool store as I am surrounded by hardwood, nice carpet and beautiful granite! My job includes assisting the design manager and scheduling appointments for our designers, who walk through with the buyers and assist them in their choices. Each appointment is usually 2-3 hours long, and I have to make sure that the designers don’t get double booked , and make sure that the buyers get in before their deadline. So far it is really good, once I am accustomed to this they will give me more to do, so I won’t get bored!!! YAY!!
This is going to be a fun/crazy weekend, Friday night Jonathan and I are going to go hang out with friend Kristin who we haven’t seen in ages, and go swing dancing at the Washington Dance Club. I am really looking forward to it!! Then Saturday we are heading to the Puyallup fair!!! I love the Puyallup fair I have been there almost every year that I can remember, except last year cause we were way to busy with the wedding an all that. So I am looking forward to it. Also, it is the day that Laura comes back to Seattle!!! Yay, we have missed her (shhhh, don’t tell, she will get a big head).
Anyway Chris and Jan will be staying with us overnight after moving Laura back up. Then, on Sunday morning I am meeting my aunt Wendy at FloorCo (which is a flooring company we own that sells to the public) and we are shopping for flooring because I have a discount with work and I can get all my relatives a similar discount! She just bought a fixer upper, so I get to be of some help!
Also we will be putting hardwood floor into our dining room!!! I cannot wait!! It’s so beautiful, its red birch and wow. You will all have to come up and see my new pretty floors!
Then of course we have church and Jonathan and I are both on the worship team Sunday night. So that is our weekend. We got a letter from Grandpa Larry and Grandma Ruth that we enjoyed reading. It was as good as a blog! It included an wonderful picture of Grandad Ferguson with Mike.
We Love all of you!
God Bless!
Well life has been good! I love my new job and it is going really well. For those who want the details, here goes.
I am the “Design Center Coordinator” for SuperFloors, a company that sells flooring, countertops and window treatments to buyers of new homes. They buyers come in and pick everything out then it is installed into they new home! It is a cool store as I am surrounded by hardwood, nice carpet and beautiful granite! My job includes assisting the design manager and scheduling appointments for our designers, who walk through with the buyers and assist them in their choices. Each appointment is usually 2-3 hours long, and I have to make sure that the designers don’t get double booked , and make sure that the buyers get in before their deadline. So far it is really good, once I am accustomed to this they will give me more to do, so I won’t get bored!!! YAY!!
This is going to be a fun/crazy weekend, Friday night Jonathan and I are going to go hang out with friend Kristin who we haven’t seen in ages, and go swing dancing at the Washington Dance Club. I am really looking forward to it!! Then Saturday we are heading to the Puyallup fair!!! I love the Puyallup fair I have been there almost every year that I can remember, except last year cause we were way to busy with the wedding an all that. So I am looking forward to it. Also, it is the day that Laura comes back to Seattle!!! Yay, we have missed her (shhhh, don’t tell, she will get a big head).
Anyway Chris and Jan will be staying with us overnight after moving Laura back up. Then, on Sunday morning I am meeting my aunt Wendy at FloorCo (which is a flooring company we own that sells to the public) and we are shopping for flooring because I have a discount with work and I can get all my relatives a similar discount! She just bought a fixer upper, so I get to be of some help!
Also we will be putting hardwood floor into our dining room!!! I cannot wait!! It’s so beautiful, its red birch and wow. You will all have to come up and see my new pretty floors!
Then of course we have church and Jonathan and I are both on the worship team Sunday night. So that is our weekend. We got a letter from Grandpa Larry and Grandma Ruth that we enjoyed reading. It was as good as a blog! It included an wonderful picture of Grandad Ferguson with Mike.
We Love all of you!
God Bless!
Monday, September 05, 2005
Labor Day Picnic
Hello all! I am quite ashamed at my lack of blogging, now that life is interesting I don't have time to tell you about it. I am sure I will blog a lot about nothing now htat it is slowing down a bit!
We decided that we ought to see the Port Orchard Riedesel's and called up Gloria, unfortunately most of them had plans, but luckily Gloria was free, so we decided to meet in Tacoma and split the drive. We had a delightful Picnic and explored a bit of Tacoma.
At the end of the day we headed to The Old Spaghetti Factory for Dinner, wow was it good! Then we stopped to get me some shoes so we could go dancing! We found a great Salsa Spot on 19th and Fawcett, called "The Abbey". It is an old church building, and it was a lot of fun! I was able to learn some new things and remember some old ones!
Any way - we love you all and hope you enjoy our photos!
God Bless!
We decided that we ought to see the Port Orchard Riedesel's and called up Gloria, unfortunately most of them had plans, but luckily Gloria was free, so we decided to meet in Tacoma and split the drive. We had a delightful Picnic and explored a bit of Tacoma.
At the end of the day we headed to The Old Spaghetti Factory for Dinner, wow was it good! Then we stopped to get me some shoes so we could go dancing! We found a great Salsa Spot on 19th and Fawcett, called "The Abbey". It is an old church building, and it was a lot of fun! I was able to learn some new things and remember some old ones!
Any way - we love you all and hope you enjoy our photos!
God Bless!
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