It's Thursday!!!
Jonathan and I watched Alias last night, wow was it ever a cliff hanger (thats the point of season finale's right?) I was intense al the way through, then at what you thought was the end you just started to relax, when... BAM!!
Anyway, its Thursday so we have company tonight! Dan will be unable to make it, but Laura, Aleena, and Joy are coming. And it looks like my family will be stoping by as well, I am not sure where we are going to put all the people!
I am making Swedish potato soup for dinner, so hopefully there will be enough to go around.
I made an Apple peach pie as well. I have no Idea how it will taste, as this is something I have never attempted before, and I dint' have a recipe. I just threw some stuff into a pie crust and cooked it. Jonthan seems to assume it will be wonderful. If it tastes as good as it smells I will be happy with the outcome.
I have discovered a new favorite Author, her name is angela Hunt. I randomly grabbed a book at the Library that looked good. It was called THE DEBT, wow now I want to read all her stuff. She does Christian fiction, and its pretty powerful. It had a teaser in the back, so now I have to find THE NOTE. Well, just wanted to share the authors name- I highly recommend checking her books out!
Well thats all for now folk's.
See lots of you tomorrow night when we arrive on Friday and more of you on Saturday!
God Bless!
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
I’m Back!
Whew, sorry about the looong gap in my blogging folks.
Well it’s Tuesday, only 3.5 more days till VACATION!! Yay! I cannot wait. It’s interesting to plan a camping trip as newlyweds, as we do not have a lot of the basic camp equipment. We have to borrow a lantern and camp stove from Chris and Jan, luckily we have sleeping bags and a tent. I even remembered silverware, I almost forgot the basics, like hot chocolate, and coffee, but I remembered in time. I think we will make it. It’s going to be fun. I have never seen the Oregon Coast before, but I have heard it’s absolutely beautiful!
Well, this weekend was actually kind of relaxing. We slept in Saturday morning, and Kirstin came over and we did some scrap booking- my wedding book is almost finished!
Then Laura came over and joined us for dinner. Then after Kirstin left, the 3 of us went to relax in the hot tub. Happiness. There isn’t much that is a relaxing as a hot tub; a hot tub is better than muscle relaxers.
Sunday we slept in again and then, as it was sunny-ish, we decided to walk to the store to pick up bungee cords (for transporting my bicycle) as soon as we were almost halfway there is starting dumping rain on us!! I was wearing sandals, so I got very wet and cold pretty quickly. We ran the rest of the way to the store, but that stupid crosswalk took FOREVER to turn to the green walking person, I HATE the red hand. Grrr. Anyway, after shopping it looked as if the rain was letting up so we decided to head home without spending excess money on an umbrella. So (again) not yet half way home the rain starts pouring again, what are we, water magnets? So I start running to see that Jonathan is not following suit. He says that statistically you get wetter if you run the rain. Grrr, I don’t like statistics. So we made it home, then we BBQ’ed hamburgers on the deck (the sun came out once we inside of course) and I bundled up in my robe and super cozy slippers that I got for Christmas from my grandma, until it was time to leave for Church. Then we went to church and it was sunny the rest of the afternoon/evening.
After church we went to Wendy’s with Laura. And that is that. My weekend.
My cold is getting better, slowly, but it’s getting there.
God Bless!
Whew, sorry about the looong gap in my blogging folks.
Well it’s Tuesday, only 3.5 more days till VACATION!! Yay! I cannot wait. It’s interesting to plan a camping trip as newlyweds, as we do not have a lot of the basic camp equipment. We have to borrow a lantern and camp stove from Chris and Jan, luckily we have sleeping bags and a tent. I even remembered silverware, I almost forgot the basics, like hot chocolate, and coffee, but I remembered in time. I think we will make it. It’s going to be fun. I have never seen the Oregon Coast before, but I have heard it’s absolutely beautiful!
Well, this weekend was actually kind of relaxing. We slept in Saturday morning, and Kirstin came over and we did some scrap booking- my wedding book is almost finished!
Then Laura came over and joined us for dinner. Then after Kirstin left, the 3 of us went to relax in the hot tub. Happiness. There isn’t much that is a relaxing as a hot tub; a hot tub is better than muscle relaxers.
Sunday we slept in again and then, as it was sunny-ish, we decided to walk to the store to pick up bungee cords (for transporting my bicycle) as soon as we were almost halfway there is starting dumping rain on us!! I was wearing sandals, so I got very wet and cold pretty quickly. We ran the rest of the way to the store, but that stupid crosswalk took FOREVER to turn to the green walking person, I HATE the red hand. Grrr. Anyway, after shopping it looked as if the rain was letting up so we decided to head home without spending excess money on an umbrella. So (again) not yet half way home the rain starts pouring again, what are we, water magnets? So I start running to see that Jonathan is not following suit. He says that statistically you get wetter if you run the rain. Grrr, I don’t like statistics. So we made it home, then we BBQ’ed hamburgers on the deck (the sun came out once we inside of course) and I bundled up in my robe and super cozy slippers that I got for Christmas from my grandma, until it was time to leave for Church. Then we went to church and it was sunny the rest of the afternoon/evening.
After church we went to Wendy’s with Laura. And that is that. My weekend.
My cold is getting better, slowly, but it’s getting there.
God Bless!
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Weekend Warriors
Well, it looks as if I jam-pack my life into the weekends.
Friday after work I went shopping with Aleen a and Joy to help Joy pick out clothes for her alasakan cruise as well as life in general. It was a lot of fun, and we had a good bit of success as well. I am sure that Dan will appreciate a lot of our choices. Afterwards we picked up a couple of free frosty's from Wendy's (this weekend only), then headed to my place so that Joy could work on seam-ripping her pants so that I can lengthen them for her (a problem that I never have lol), we hung out and Aleena and Jonathan talked finances a bit.
Saturday, Grandma Ruth and Grandpa Larry came over for a waffle brunch, it was so much fun, We looked at some great pictures that Grandpa brought and just got to talk and catch up. I was quite enjoyable. Then my parents came over and we carpooled to Kirstin's place for her "Couples in the kitchen" bridal shower. It was quite the shin-dig, great food and appetizers. There were a LOT of people, I am glad that Aleena and my parents were there, I didn't know that many other people (aside form Kirstin and her parents of course). But it was fun. After the party we came back to my place with my parents to play a game of pinochle and have a little celbration for dad's 51st birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!! WE LOVE YOU!
And now it is Sunday. I have been fighting and cold since Tuesday night and it is attempting to win today. I have almost no voice at all. oh well, at least I wont have to talk to any sales people.
Jonathan and I are going to walk over to Fred Meyer (and hopefully get another free frosty on our way) and pick up some stamps.
Thats basically it.
God Bless!
Friday after work I went shopping with Aleen a and Joy to help Joy pick out clothes for her alasakan cruise as well as life in general. It was a lot of fun, and we had a good bit of success as well. I am sure that Dan will appreciate a lot of our choices. Afterwards we picked up a couple of free frosty's from Wendy's (this weekend only), then headed to my place so that Joy could work on seam-ripping her pants so that I can lengthen them for her (a problem that I never have lol), we hung out and Aleena and Jonathan talked finances a bit.
Saturday, Grandma Ruth and Grandpa Larry came over for a waffle brunch, it was so much fun, We looked at some great pictures that Grandpa brought and just got to talk and catch up. I was quite enjoyable. Then my parents came over and we carpooled to Kirstin's place for her "Couples in the kitchen" bridal shower. It was quite the shin-dig, great food and appetizers. There were a LOT of people, I am glad that Aleena and my parents were there, I didn't know that many other people (aside form Kirstin and her parents of course). But it was fun. After the party we came back to my place with my parents to play a game of pinochle and have a little celbration for dad's 51st birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!! WE LOVE YOU!
And now it is Sunday. I have been fighting and cold since Tuesday night and it is attempting to win today. I have almost no voice at all. oh well, at least I wont have to talk to any sales people.
Jonathan and I are going to walk over to Fred Meyer (and hopefully get another free frosty on our way) and pick up some stamps.
Thats basically it.
God Bless!
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Mother's Day Weekend
Sorry about the delay, this is a happy little photo blog of our delightful weekend. We spent Saturday with the Ferguson's at the museum of flight then headed to Golden Gardens for a picnic and some frisbee throwing.
Sunday was spent with the McQuiston's in Graham enjoying dad's good BBQ abilities.
God Bless!
Sunday was spent with the McQuiston's in Graham enjoying dad's good BBQ abilities.
God Bless!

We start our day by heading to Starbucks for some energy before heading the Museum of Flight for the afternoon!

We all try our hand in the cockpit, Chris chooses the stealthy Blackbird. Then decides that pilots must be small people!

As usual, Laura takes it easy whenver she has the chance. At least She smiled for me instead of sticking out her tongue!

Friday, May 06, 2005
Almost Mothers Day!
Once again the day has started out grey only to become sunny and happy in the afternoon. Good news! The forecast for tomorrow looks promising, so we should have an enjoyable picnic!
Last night Dan won the poker game, lots of excitement with that. Tonight, before the Ferguson’s get here Jonathan and I are going out for a Young Married’s movie date night. We are going to watch “A Philadelphia Story” it’s a great classic. I think that it’s going to be a lot of fun J
Then afterwards we will return home and hang out with the Longview folks before bed and the big mothers day events.
For those of you who are wondering, I did find my keys, in my purse actually *Blush*
I found out that my dear husband is actually quite handy around the house. Our garbage disposal quite grinding things and we were so concerned that we went to home depot to see how much they were if it came to that. When the home depot guy asked us what was wrong with it he sold us a $5.oo piece of metal told us how to use it and reset the disposal. So when we got home Jonathan crawled under the sink and fixed it up. Yay!! No more clog, and we saved almost $100 in not having to replace the stupid thing.
So that’s that. I will see many of you tonight and everyone else tomorrow!
God Bless!
Last night Dan won the poker game, lots of excitement with that. Tonight, before the Ferguson’s get here Jonathan and I are going out for a Young Married’s movie date night. We are going to watch “A Philadelphia Story” it’s a great classic. I think that it’s going to be a lot of fun J
Then afterwards we will return home and hang out with the Longview folks before bed and the big mothers day events.
For those of you who are wondering, I did find my keys, in my purse actually *Blush*
I found out that my dear husband is actually quite handy around the house. Our garbage disposal quite grinding things and we were so concerned that we went to home depot to see how much they were if it came to that. When the home depot guy asked us what was wrong with it he sold us a $5.oo piece of metal told us how to use it and reset the disposal. So when we got home Jonathan crawled under the sink and fixed it up. Yay!! No more clog, and we saved almost $100 in not having to replace the stupid thing.
So that’s that. I will see many of you tonight and everyone else tomorrow!
God Bless!
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Accept that some days your the Pigeon, and some days your the Statue.
Wednesday: Alias, housecleaning, supper preparations. It’s the middle of the week again folks. Yesterday I went to the library, all my books were due on Monday but I didn’t make it then cause’ Laura came over and we hung out and watched “Finding Neverland”. The books weren’t late though, I renewed all but one (someone had a hold on it) and they said it was in the grace period, how nice. Anyway, the area around the Library is pretty and was sunny so I really enjoyed my little visit. There is park right next door and, get this, the Library is built over a river! It’s like a covered bridge, with books inside, its really cool!
So I got lost while trying to find my way home, but it was such a beautiful place to be lost I went and stayed lost a little longer till I decided I should really turn around and go home, so I did. Holly seem to be doing well in her happy flowery place out-doors. I am really looking forward to this weekend we are having a mothers’ day picnic on Saturday at Dash Point State Park after a morning at the Museum of Flight, how fun.
It’s a slow day here a “Kerry Savory” I got all my morning things done in the morning, and I didn’t get a single freight bill in the mail, so I really don’t have anything to do! Which is why I am blogging at work. I browsed through e-bay and read my comics online, now I am writing to tell you all about my boredom.
La de da.
La de da.
Yes, hmmm maybe I should go back to solitaire. Only I wasn’t doing so well.
Well, I don’t want to bore you all out of you minds.
God Bless!
So I got lost while trying to find my way home, but it was such a beautiful place to be lost I went and stayed lost a little longer till I decided I should really turn around and go home, so I did. Holly seem to be doing well in her happy flowery place out-doors. I am really looking forward to this weekend we are having a mothers’ day picnic on Saturday at Dash Point State Park after a morning at the Museum of Flight, how fun.
It’s a slow day here a “Kerry Savory” I got all my morning things done in the morning, and I didn’t get a single freight bill in the mail, so I really don’t have anything to do! Which is why I am blogging at work. I browsed through e-bay and read my comics online, now I am writing to tell you all about my boredom.
La de da.
La de da.
Yes, hmmm maybe I should go back to solitaire. Only I wasn’t doing so well.
Well, I don’t want to bore you all out of you minds.
God Bless!
Monday, May 02, 2005
My Hero!
Wow, what a Monday! I was all set to go to work when I reached for my keys on the hook by the door, only to find that they weren’t there!
So I went to check the coffee table, then I checked the side table, then I searched my purse, taking almost everything out of it to make sure they hadn’t slipped down. No luck. So then I searched the kitchen and the bedroom, and the office and the dining room. I searched the whole house, twice. When I realized that I was going to be late I called work to let them know I would be in as soon as possible. Then I called Jonathan to see if he had seen them on his way out this morning, and maybe I was just missing them. He hadn’t. I searched the house again and double-checked my purse. The I called Jonathan back so he left work drove all the way home and gave me his copy of the car keys. What a wonderful husband!!!
So now I am at work and all is going well, I was 45 minutes late though, which bothers me.
So this weekend was a lot of fun. On Saturday I hooked up with Kirstin at my place then we carpooled down to Eatonville for a National Scrap-booking Day convention. Where we spent 8 hours working on our scrapbooks then we headed to my parents house and met Jonathan and Michael and had wonderful BBQ’ed pork, yummy!
Yesterday Jonathan and I went to Fred Meyer’s and picked out some pots and dirt and flowers, now I have a beautiful garden-deck! I will be putting up some pictures soon! It looks so pretty, and so alive. I am going to finish working on the deck today, put it all in order and clear a few spider webs.
Holly is going to moving to the deck as well, so she can enjoy the fresh air while we are gone, I don’t want her to get to hot as summer draws near, and it will make a little more space in our “office/sewing/library/storage room”. Yay for saving space :)
God Bless!
So I went to check the coffee table, then I checked the side table, then I searched my purse, taking almost everything out of it to make sure they hadn’t slipped down. No luck. So then I searched the kitchen and the bedroom, and the office and the dining room. I searched the whole house, twice. When I realized that I was going to be late I called work to let them know I would be in as soon as possible. Then I called Jonathan to see if he had seen them on his way out this morning, and maybe I was just missing them. He hadn’t. I searched the house again and double-checked my purse. The I called Jonathan back so he left work drove all the way home and gave me his copy of the car keys. What a wonderful husband!!!
So now I am at work and all is going well, I was 45 minutes late though, which bothers me.
So this weekend was a lot of fun. On Saturday I hooked up with Kirstin at my place then we carpooled down to Eatonville for a National Scrap-booking Day convention. Where we spent 8 hours working on our scrapbooks then we headed to my parents house and met Jonathan and Michael and had wonderful BBQ’ed pork, yummy!
Yesterday Jonathan and I went to Fred Meyer’s and picked out some pots and dirt and flowers, now I have a beautiful garden-deck! I will be putting up some pictures soon! It looks so pretty, and so alive. I am going to finish working on the deck today, put it all in order and clear a few spider webs.
Holly is going to moving to the deck as well, so she can enjoy the fresh air while we are gone, I don’t want her to get to hot as summer draws near, and it will make a little more space in our “office/sewing/library/storage room”. Yay for saving space :)
God Bless!
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