Hi all! Our computer isn't turning on right now, but I am using Jonathan's work computer to slip in a post... so I am sorry if its a little while before I blog again. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with both sides of the family, and managed to slip out after Church to get our Christmas Tree...what a weekend!
This years tree hunt was a little more difficult than in past years. In order to keep David from pulling on the branches (should he ever decide to go mobile) we wanted to get a shorter tree that we could put on top of a table... but for some reason we couldn't find any the right height! It took us a good hour before we picked one that still seemed a tad bit tall, but once the trunk was trimmed and the top shortened for the angel, it ended up being perfect :) David loved looking all around as we hiked the hilltop and carried him. He enjoyed feeling the needly branches and was a good sport the whole time. I hope you enjoy the photos! God Bless :)