Monday, December 27, 2004

The First Day of the Rest of My Life

So, today I have given into peer pressure for the first time since I bought wide leg jeans (6 years ago), I got a blog. Why? Because I now have a bunny-rabbit! And as a proud pet owner I will want to relate all of her antics to anyone willing to listen. Of course I will keep all of my loyal listeners updated on the rest of my trivial life as well. So enjoy the ranting of a newly-wed and new pet owner.

When Holly and I arrived home last night she investigated her new home starteing with her cage. Once Jonathan and I finished unloading the Christmas goodies from the car Holly got to look around the rest of the place. She attempted to walk into the bathroom, but the linoleum proved a little to exciting so she slipped carefully back onto the carpet where it was safer. She thouroughly enjoyed the dining room and hopped around and under the table and chairs. After playtime she went back to her cage and decided to test the weight of her food dish... "too light!" she said as she dumped it over. Well, she liked the broccoli anyways.

Holly's official introduction:
Holly is a 3 month old Holland Lop, she is considered "sable point" which means that she has a sandy colored body with tanish-grey ears and nose and tale... almost like a siamese in the cat world. She is utterly adorable and ver easy-going. She enjoys sitting in your lap while watching television and exploring the condo. Pictures coming soon!


Ruby Hardbottle said...

I am so happy you have a Blog.. It will be fun to keep you with you, Holly and your husband.

fergylf said...

Yea! A blog! I am very excited about this...and I can't wait to come and meet your bunny. :)

Kelinci said...

Thanks for sharing Holland Lop Bunny.
Holland Lop Kelinci