Hello all! Sorry about the recent lack of blogging. All the electronics in our house have turned agaisnt us. Out brand new DVD player quit working, so no movies or music in our house :( and last night our old computer quit working, it hums as if it is on but displays nothing. So I am writing this from work. I took many lovely pictures this weekend, Jonathan and I went to Longview to celebrate both Grandma Theo's and aunt Linda's birthdays, lots of fun there. Linda loved her new camera and took pictures of everything, flowers, food and even some people :)
I also took several pictures and I think they turned out very well. Unfortunately the moment I was going to put them on my blog the computer killed itself. Sigh. So a detailed and illustrated version of our very pleasant weekend will be available as soon as the computer starts behaing itself.
I hope that all of your weeks have started out well!
God Bless!
Monday, February 28, 2005
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
"Ice cream, Alias, and Housecleaning"
Ah, Wednesday.
I go to work, I work, I come home from work, and I clean the house to prepare for Thursday. But there are happy things too :)
Today after I got home I walked over to a nearby apartment complex, to see if I could get permission to use their pool, as opposed to having to go to a city pool. I will call back on Monday to see if we can come up with some kind of an arrangement. Fun Fun, I enjoy swimming. A lot.
Also Jonathan and I watch Alias every Thursday, along with a little ice-cream of course-happiness! So now the house is clean, I even got my office/sewing/rabbit/library room clean! We went through all the boxes and managed to make room for everything that we did not throw out :)
And tomorrow is Thursday! Friends and Food!! Life is bliss... Most of the time.
My back is slowly healing, vastly aided by the powerful drugs that the Doc gave me. Thank you all for your prayers and concern.
I will write again soon!
Oh, and Holly is saying "hello" in that rambunctious way of hers :)
God Bless!
I go to work, I work, I come home from work, and I clean the house to prepare for Thursday. But there are happy things too :)
Today after I got home I walked over to a nearby apartment complex, to see if I could get permission to use their pool, as opposed to having to go to a city pool. I will call back on Monday to see if we can come up with some kind of an arrangement. Fun Fun, I enjoy swimming. A lot.
Also Jonathan and I watch Alias every Thursday, along with a little ice-cream of course-happiness! So now the house is clean, I even got my office/sewing/rabbit/library room clean! We went through all the boxes and managed to make room for everything that we did not throw out :)
And tomorrow is Thursday! Friends and Food!! Life is bliss... Most of the time.
My back is slowly healing, vastly aided by the powerful drugs that the Doc gave me. Thank you all for your prayers and concern.
I will write again soon!
Oh, and Holly is saying "hello" in that rambunctious way of hers :)
God Bless!
Monday, February 21, 2005
6 Months!
Hello all! Today is Jonathan and my 6th month wedding anniversary! Yay! I am happy to report that I did not have to work today, unfortunately Jonathan did. I finished working on cleaning most of the stuff we have been working on. I got some boxes form my parents house and in order to fit them in I spent most of the weekend going through everything we own, and managed to find places for or toss more than 3 boxes worth of stuff we had. So our house is looking fairly well organized once again.
Anyway, I made a very cool dinner for Our Anniversary, lots of fun, to me it almost more fun to create my own food than to go out to eat.
I picked up a couple of lobster tails, some colossal shrimp, rice and a lemon. It turned out beautifully! Jonathan brought 'Aplets and Cotlets' home for dessert. Yum! All in all today is good. Well, we are off to enjoy the rest of the evening
God Bless!
Anyway, I made a very cool dinner for Our Anniversary, lots of fun, to me it almost more fun to create my own food than to go out to eat.
I picked up a couple of lobster tails, some colossal shrimp, rice and a lemon. It turned out beautifully! Jonathan brought 'Aplets and Cotlets' home for dessert. Yum! All in all today is good. Well, we are off to enjoy the rest of the evening
God Bless!
Friday, February 18, 2005
"The Early Worm gets Eaten by the Bird, so Sleep Late!"
Yay! Tomorrow is Saturday! Happiness. I hope that it is sunny this weekend, the last few days have been beautiful!
Dan and Laura came over last night, we had lasagna and angel food cake with home made whipped cream and fresh strawberries-yum! Lots of fun, stupid television, good food and great friends, that is what life is all about.
Lately my back has been hurting a lot, I am glad that I have a 3 day weekend (go me) so that I can hopefully heal. Pray for me please.
Work is still going well, and my husband is as handsome as ever, so life is pretty good.
not too much going on really, I am vying with The Longview Ferguson's for Laura's company this weekend (Monday anyway) so we will see where she ends up.
So yeah see ya'll later.
God Bless.
Dan and Laura came over last night, we had lasagna and angel food cake with home made whipped cream and fresh strawberries-yum! Lots of fun, stupid television, good food and great friends, that is what life is all about.
Lately my back has been hurting a lot, I am glad that I have a 3 day weekend (go me) so that I can hopefully heal. Pray for me please.
Work is still going well, and my husband is as handsome as ever, so life is pretty good.
not too much going on really, I am vying with The Longview Ferguson's for Laura's company this weekend (Monday anyway) so we will see where she ends up.
So yeah see ya'll later.
God Bless.
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
"The Case of the Missing Post-It's"
It was a crisp and sunny day, The receptionist was bent intensely over her work when the phone rang, as she reached to take a note she realized that her new Post-It cube was missing! Looking around to see if she had moved nearer the 2nd phone she was shocked to realized that it wasn't anywhere at her desk, well! Who would steal a receptionists Post-Its?
Well Hi all! So yeah it Wednesday, Alias will be on in a little while, and my post-it notes did disappear, Jonathan and I got a beautiful Valentine form grandma Ruth, and Holly fell pleased with herself as she got her very own, she jumped for joy all over the living room!
I am borrowing some books form Laura, I have finished 2 of them and am halfway through the 3rd, I have read this one but its been awhile. I forgot how many sad parts it has in it. I found myself trying not to cry at work, shocking I know, I am such a sap.
Oh well. Anyway, I have to go continue reading, an maybe get some cleaning done before Alias. We shall see.
God Bless!
Well Hi all! So yeah it Wednesday, Alias will be on in a little while, and my post-it notes did disappear, Jonathan and I got a beautiful Valentine form grandma Ruth, and Holly fell pleased with herself as she got her very own, she jumped for joy all over the living room!
I am borrowing some books form Laura, I have finished 2 of them and am halfway through the 3rd, I have read this one but its been awhile. I forgot how many sad parts it has in it. I found myself trying not to cry at work, shocking I know, I am such a sap.
Oh well. Anyway, I have to go continue reading, an maybe get some cleaning done before Alias. We shall see.
God Bless!
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Valentine's Day!
Yesterday was the day celebrating the life (or is it death?) of Saint Valentine, who was martyred for marrying people against the law. The Caesar at the time had forbidden marriage, in order to get men to join the military. Under old law you could not go off to war in your first year of marriage. So he forbade it. Saint Valentine was a bishop who performed the marriage ceremony in secret for young folk who were in Love. Well he got caught (otherwise he wouldn't be a martyr) while in prison he fell in Love with the jailers daughter (awww) she happened to be blind, through prayer he was able to heal her sight, and wrote her a card that said "from your Valentine"-the original Valentine's card! (I wonder who gets the royalties?) Then he was dragged off to be killed, Romantic Aye?
To celebrate this man who stood up for love, Jonathan and I went out to dinner at Azteca, it was lots of fun and very good! He gave me a beautiful ruby necklace, which I am wearing today :) Then we went home, nuff' said.
So I hope you all either enjoyed this auspicious day, or in some cases managed to ignore it successfully.
God Bless!
Saturday, February 12, 2005
Laura's Kegger
So after our volunteer appreciation night, we decided to stoop by and visit Laura, apparently she was at the the 6th Hill RB Kegger, so we strolled over towards that to see if we could say hello. It was packed! way too many people, we werent quite brave enough to wade through all those bodies (I am sure it was breaking fire code) that and it was $2.oo a person to get in. So I am saying "hi" to Laura and I hope you enjoyed yourself, you just weren't quite worth the $4.oo and headache of dealing with that many bodies. ;)
Friday, February 11, 2005
Happiness is here!!
It's Friday!! (as if you didn't know) and I am looking forward to great weekend! Tonight Jonathan and I are going to a volunteer dinner at church, so we will get to hang out with fun people and eat more good food.
Speaking of good food, last night Dan brought over cod fillets and we cooked those with lemon juice and dill weed, along with it we had steamed broccoli with havarti cheese and rice, along with a little chardonnay, to complement the fish. It was delightful.
So tomorrow we are going to go visit my family in Graham. That should be lots of fun, minus the whole clean out the garage part.
Then it will be Sunday and we will go to church and see Laura :)
Then it will be Monday, but lets not go there.
So anyway lot of fun coming, if I have time I will attempt to give you more details.
God Bless!
Speaking of good food, last night Dan brought over cod fillets and we cooked those with lemon juice and dill weed, along with it we had steamed broccoli with havarti cheese and rice, along with a little chardonnay, to complement the fish. It was delightful.
So tomorrow we are going to go visit my family in Graham. That should be lots of fun, minus the whole clean out the garage part.
Then it will be Sunday and we will go to church and see Laura :)
Then it will be Monday, but lets not go there.
So anyway lot of fun coming, if I have time I will attempt to give you more details.
God Bless!
Thursday, February 10, 2005
So it is once again thursday, happiness is mine! only one more day in the work week and we will have at least one guest over this evening, and he is really a very good guest, Dan always helps with the dishes :)
He offered to bring dinner tonight which is very exciting as I do not have to cook! Joy will not ber here, *sniff* so I am not sure how the evening will flow. yesderday was Alias which is always fun :)
I did not get any comments on my last blog which is a little sad. I am working on making that easier.. well I am going to get Laura to work on it for me, she is just great! It should allow you to post anonomously though.. hmm. so what up in ya'lls life? I now believe that Chris and Jan should get a blog, as we really are unable to keep track of whats going on down there- especially since Laura is up here inour 'neck o' the woods... errr city. and maybe grandma theo could get one- that would be fun and she is definatly cool enough to run a good blog. So yeah, let us know whats going on in Ferguson/Reidesel land :)
So anyway I am going to finish up the last of my work now.
God Bless!
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Wal Marts are not all created equal
Hello Everyone.
As I am sure all of you know yesterday was Monday. Monday is now over (which is a good thing). Garfield is very smart cat. Anyway Yesterday was a busy as ever and today, being Tuesday was surprisingly ok. I got pretty much caught up at work and Jonathan and I are on our way to having our Wedding Photos finished. I thought I had them done yesterday but when I got the enlargements back we noticed that all the 8x10's had an orange cast to them, so we looked like pumpkins instead of people. We took them to be altered and hopefully will have them in time to take to Graham this weekend to show and share:)
I made cookies today, which was fun, and they turned out pretty good too. Oatmeal - raisin in case you are wondering. Holly's supper was a little late, which seemed to make her really appreciate the food. oops I will have to be on time tomorrow. Poor little spoiled bunny. LOL
Anyway. I will see you all soon I hope.
God Bless!
As I am sure all of you know yesterday was Monday. Monday is now over (which is a good thing). Garfield is very smart cat. Anyway Yesterday was a busy as ever and today, being Tuesday was surprisingly ok. I got pretty much caught up at work and Jonathan and I are on our way to having our Wedding Photos finished. I thought I had them done yesterday but when I got the enlargements back we noticed that all the 8x10's had an orange cast to them, so we looked like pumpkins instead of people. We took them to be altered and hopefully will have them in time to take to Graham this weekend to show and share:)
I made cookies today, which was fun, and they turned out pretty good too. Oatmeal - raisin in case you are wondering. Holly's supper was a little late, which seemed to make her really appreciate the food. oops I will have to be on time tomorrow. Poor little spoiled bunny. LOL
Anyway. I will see you all soon I hope.
God Bless!
Monday, February 07, 2005

Eagles sitting in a tree. We saw some Eagles like this, but my camera ran out of batteries. So this is an internet photo :)

Sunday, February 06, 2005
So Yesterday the Fergusons came up and Chris, Jan, Jonathan and I went to Cement, WA to their Eagle Festival. At first the prospects of seeing Eagles seemed dim, but then our luck turned with Jan spotting th e first 3 Eagles and all of us spotting several more, I saw the first Eagle in flight, it was pretty cool! After a little while we went to the Cascade Inn Restaraunt for Lunch it was cool, there were a lot of antique farming, railroading and mining tools hanging all over the place.
Today I hung out with Laura while Jonathan was at a Superbowl party at church. Lots of fun- we watched chicke flicks and ate our leftovers from dinner at Olive garden Yesderday-YUM!!
So I am getting ready to go to church now, meet Jonathan and do worship practice. So yeah.
Pictures of Eagles coming soon.
God Bless
Today I hung out with Laura while Jonathan was at a Superbowl party at church. Lots of fun- we watched chicke flicks and ate our leftovers from dinner at Olive garden Yesderday-YUM!!
So I am getting ready to go to church now, meet Jonathan and do worship practice. So yeah.
Pictures of Eagles coming soon.
God Bless
Friday, February 04, 2005
I love Friday's , espcially post 4:30 pm as I am free from work :) Today is very exciting as not just Laura is coming over, bu the whole Ferguson household!! Laura is coming earlier for dinner then a little later the rest will arrive (probably afraid of my cooking). But I am excited to see them, it has been awhile. Tomorrow we go to some Bald Eagle thing, the details which I don't know, but I will bring my camera (if I remeber) and blog about it later once it happens! Whatever it is exactly it should be cool.
Last night Joy stopped by on her way to airport :( and we had a final dinner together, complete with good china... I will miss her- 2 whole months! OK PEOPLE I NEED ALL MY GAL PALS TO VISIT ME!! I am sure that Dan will continue our Thursday night traditions, but alas I fear that I will be the only female!! That is something I will be very unnacostomed to.
work is going well, Weding plans for the ones I am participatin in this summer on on the way, I know what I am wearing to both!! So yeah, I love all you guys!
Shout out to my sis who is sick (get better kiddo), check her new blog at www.jewlsleftovers.blogspot.com
Hi to all the wonderful grandparents in law who I think read this and to Laura and Linda who read all about my overdramaticly-stated life :)
God Bless!
Last night Joy stopped by on her way to airport :( and we had a final dinner together, complete with good china... I will miss her- 2 whole months! OK PEOPLE I NEED ALL MY GAL PALS TO VISIT ME!! I am sure that Dan will continue our Thursday night traditions, but alas I fear that I will be the only female!! That is something I will be very unnacostomed to.
work is going well, Weding plans for the ones I am participatin in this summer on on the way, I know what I am wearing to both!! So yeah, I love all you guys!
Shout out to my sis who is sick (get better kiddo), check her new blog at www.jewlsleftovers.blogspot.com
Hi to all the wonderful grandparents in law who I think read this and to Laura and Linda who read all about my overdramaticly-stated life :)
God Bless!
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
The Good, The Bad and the Beautiful
Ok, So today started out normally I suppose: I was was tired, but got up anyway. Went to work fought with our newest problem- the phone message, and attempted to catch up. Then I went grocery shopping on the way home-always fun. I got fixings for a great shrimp salad as well as the basics. I then detoured through the "make your house prettier section" and picked up a canopy for over our bed-very cool!
After I got home I carried up the groceries and put them away. I decided to let Holly hop around abit, while I quickly checked my email (this took about 1.5 minutes) when I went back into the living room I saw (Horror of Horrors!) Holly chewing on the sleeve of my new leather jacket!!!! I grabbed the rabbit and tossed her into her cage, checked the damage and wept. There is now a hole about a quarter of an inch wide in my jacket, and while I may be talented, this I cannot fix. So I wept some more and made the salad, Jonathan came home and I wept some more and we ate the salad (it was really good) Then he helped me put up the new canopy. It is so pretty, I am officially declaring it the most romantic bed I have ever seen! (see enclosed pictures)
Now I am off to watch Alias- at least I have that to look forward to!
God Bless
PS: Sadness!!!! Alias is being postponed until next week because of the State of the Union Address!!! Grrr.... it feels like a monday...sob. hiccup. Is there no justice?!
After I got home I carried up the groceries and put them away. I decided to let Holly hop around abit, while I quickly checked my email (this took about 1.5 minutes) when I went back into the living room I saw (Horror of Horrors!) Holly chewing on the sleeve of my new leather jacket!!!! I grabbed the rabbit and tossed her into her cage, checked the damage and wept. There is now a hole about a quarter of an inch wide in my jacket, and while I may be talented, this I cannot fix. So I wept some more and made the salad, Jonathan came home and I wept some more and we ate the salad (it was really good) Then he helped me put up the new canopy. It is so pretty, I am officially declaring it the most romantic bed I have ever seen! (see enclosed pictures)
Now I am off to watch Alias- at least I have that to look forward to!
God Bless
PS: Sadness!!!! Alias is being postponed until next week because of the State of the Union Address!!! Grrr.... it feels like a monday...sob. hiccup. Is there no justice?!
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