Hello all! Sorry about the recent lack of blogging. All the electronics in our house have turned agaisnt us. Out brand new DVD player quit working, so no movies or music in our house :( and last night our old computer quit working, it hums as if it is on but displays nothing. So I am writing this from work. I took many lovely pictures this weekend, Jonathan and I went to Longview to celebrate both Grandma Theo's and aunt Linda's birthdays, lots of fun there. Linda loved her new camera and took pictures of everything, flowers, food and even some people :)
I also took several pictures and I think they turned out very well. Unfortunately the moment I was going to put them on my blog the computer killed itself. Sigh. So a detailed and illustrated version of our very pleasant weekend will be available as soon as the computer starts behaing itself.
I hope that all of your weeks have started out well!
God Bless!
Your computer must still be down. We miss your blogs.
I miss you :(
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