The Up's and Down's, In's and Out's of daily life with a loving husband, a sweet boy, a fun-loving gal and a new life in the Philippines! God has indeed blessed us.
Well! Crazy weather up here! It was so nice early in the week that I wore a skirt and strappy shoes to work yesterday, but when I walked out of the house I realized that it was cold and wet, grrr. Luckily by the time I finished working it was quite nice and I was glad of my wardrobe. Today I chose to wear pants with open toes shoes, thinking the drizzly rain would be gone. I was very wrong. So here I am at work praying for a miracle so I don’t get drenched on my way to the car after work. Good news, I am making cookies after work today! I am very excited about this I have not had the opportunity to make cookies in a while. Gloria is coming over tonight, which should be lots of fun, she won’t be around until about 9 or 10ish though, so plenty of time to make cookies, go grocery shopping and still get he house in order (I hope). Tomorrow Kirstin and I are heading down to Eatonville for a Scrapbooking party with my sister and mom, lots of fun there; of course I don’t really get to sleep in. Oh well. I found a solution to part of Holly’s rambunctious ways. Sometimes when she hops around in her cage she shifts it (potentially causing it to fall) so while we were at Wal-Mart a little while ago I picked up a bungee cord. I put in around her cage (out of reach of her teeth) so now she can hop all she wants and that cage is not going anywhere! Well, that’s basically life in a nutshell. God Bless!
Another week. This weekend was quite fun. As I mentioned on Friday I went to Kirstin’s place with Aleena and Joy for a Pedicure Party, hosted by Cathy, Kirstin’s mom. It was a lot of fun and quite relaxing. After the other guests left, us gals went to Kirstin’s room, we tried makeup ideas on Joy for her wedding, and we got Kirstin to try on her wedding dress. And we watched Princess Diaries 2. After a while we decided to hit the Hot Tub for a while, ahhh. After soaking for a while we went back in to finish the movie, we then decided that I was kind of late to drive home. I was the official driver and the hot tub had completely relaxed my muscles, so we decided to stay the night. We had a delightful breakfast the next morning then headed to our respective homes, so that Kirstin could teach lessons. Jonathan and I spent the rest of the day shopping at South Center Mall. We wanted to spend the last of the Sears gift cards. We also looked at cell phone plans, to potentially add Chris n’ Jan and Laura. We then stopped at Home Depot to look at hot Water heaters; exciting I know. Sunday we (finally!) used our hot tub, it was quite nice, we then relaxed until it was time to go to church. All in all, it was a good weekend. Yesterday, being Monday, we went to work came home and ate dinner. The usual. Holly hopped around the house during this time, reveling in her “freedom”. Then before bed, we called Grandma Theo to check on Grandad, who had his knee replaced. Apparently he was a model patient (despite having to wait an extra hour) but poor Mike doesn’t know what to do with himself without Grandad around. We are praying for you and hope you are up and around real soon! Now it is Tuesday, and I am still at work. No big plans for tonight. Until next time, God Bless!
I love Spring, it is so wonderful! Today it is beautiful out! It's all I can do to stay in my office without running out the door to go buy an ice cream cone and enjoy the sunshine! Oh well. here I am at my computer. Sigh. It sure is nice out though. Tonight I am going to Kirstin's house for a manicure party, should be fun! Poor Jonathan will be left to fend for himself, I certainly hope that he finds something good an healthy to eat. He was never cut out to be a bachelor! I am not looking forward to driving up to Seattle in rush hour traffic, but I suppose that that cannot be helped. I am meeting with my friends Joy and Aleena and we are all carpooling up to Kenmore to Kirstin's house. This week has been, well its been. Yesterday we started physical inventory there were 5 of us in one room typing as fast as out little fingers (and brains) could go to enter in all the data that was being submitted by all the folks were in the wherehouse counting every single item we have. wow. It took me and the data crew 9 hours to enter all the numbers! they were still things that had to be taken care of today but I was back to normal work. All in all it is well. Dan and Joy came over last night (of course) and we had leftover waffles for dinner. Dan had homework so he didn't join in the poker game. Jonathan and I managed to eradicate Joy, and while neither of us has won yet (this game could alst awhile) we have all weekend to work on it! well thats about it for now. God Bless!
We have been having all kinds of fun lately. Lots of shopping: poor Jonathan. We went out and picked out all the wedding gifts for this summer, and all but one shower gift. We got gifts for Teresa’s birthday and picked out (if not picked up) gifts for mothers day. We then headed to Sears to deal with the DVD dilemma and spend the gift card bonus. We found out why the DVD player never came in… They discontinued it, and failed to mention it. Grrr. Anyway, the great sales associate got us store credit so we could choose a different model and helped us choose a good one, we spent a little more to get a better one, but we think it will be worth it to have one that does not die. Jonathan then set me loose in the kitchen department and I got some new pots and pan!! They all have lids!! And they match!!! YAY!! It is very exciting! I also picked up a set of stainless steel mixing bowls, which are very cool there are 6 of them and they all fit inside each other! We still have a little left over, but both of us were tired of shopping at that point. My goal now is to get the DVD player set up before Thursday so we can enjoy our surround sound. All in all: very productive. Jonathan let me do all the wrapping of the gifts and it was quite fun! Well thats all folks, God Bless!
This weekend has been particularly good! Jonathan and I went to The Washington Dance Club on Friday Night, it was lots of fun, they had a salsa lesson then a variety of different music so we got to practice our salsa, swing, waltz, a little cha cha,a nd even attempt the tango and fox trot. Something for everyone you might say. It was really fun to get out and dance again. Yesterday we went to wal-mart and I picked up some cake decorating tips and bags because the ones I had been using were definately sub-par. Then we met up with Dan, Joy, Anna, Sarah Lim, and Carlene in Sesattle and went to cedars for dinner. We had our fill of Chai Tea, and I had a great halibut dish. I even have leftovers for today. (Yummy) Today we are going shopping, hoping to exchange our DVD player, and if that doesn't work we want in-store credit so we can pick a different one. Well thats what ha been hapeing here. God Bless!
It’s Thursday! And Thursday’s at my place are almost as exciting as Friday’s, in fact, sometimes more so (aside from the getting up the next morning thing). So I think I am going to make a couple of pizza’s, since I don’t have any better ideas. Laura is coming over as well, which should be lots of fun. She is borrowing a sleeping bag; I think it is for her hall or floor retreat. Jonathan and I watched Alias last night, they did a pretty good job. It had a nice unexpected twist at the end, which it kind of needs so that nobody gets bored. Life is going pretty good, the house ill nice and clean, I gave Holly a paper towel roll to play with and she was happily gnawing on it when I left for work this morning. I discoved what my mystery plant is, for all of you who knew about it... dun dun dah da... It is a Calla Lily! who would have thought? Well I better get back to work! God Bless!
So, wow I actually have something interesting to write about. Interesting in my world anyhow. Yesterday I worked really hard to catch up form Monday, as always. Then when I got off of work I headed to Kirstin’s house in Kenmore to hang out and have fun with her wedding plans, fun fun. I got to pick up my Matron of Honor Dress, and my matching gloves. It is really cool. Anyhow, after hanging out looking at pictures we headed to a nearby restaurant for dinner. We spilt a bowl of Clam Chowder and I ordered a half rack of St. Louis Ribs, both were very good. After driving home, I went to open the door, and it got stuck, I heard Jonathan on the other side, so I let him open it for me, only it was REALLY stuck. So he took the doorknob off, and we still couldn’t get it open, so then he took out the hinges, but it would let us push it that way. About 15 minutes later we finally managed to shove the door open. Good Grief! Then we put the door back together, tossed to core of the lock. We don’t want that anymore. So we put the useless doorknob back on so that it looks normal. For now we will just use the deadbolt. That was my exciting Tuesday. I have bratwurst for dinner tonight, I am hoping the weather will be okay so we can BBQ them, if not I will just fry them. That’s about it folks. God Bless!
This is my story of Jan's Birthday weekend, from end to beginning!
What a great weekend! I love Seattle! God Bless!
Once we were done with our explorations we trekked to Kerry Park to take in the view, aren't we a great looking group?! Now its off to see Laura for Dinner at Cedar's!
After watching several people touch the fountain and remaid dry, I decided to attempt it! Unfortunately I wasn't so lucky, the water got me as soon as I got it! But afterwards I gave Jonathan a big wet hug!
We tooka break for Lunch end ended up at the Seattle Center Fountain. A group of Seagulls and Pigeons wanted to share our meal.
One of the exhibits was a huge guitar sculpture. it has over 30 guitars in in that are set up to play themselves, one note each, it takes five just to make one chord, wow!
Once we arrive in Seattle we head towards the EMP, or Experience Music Project. Here we go!
Laura and Teresa work hard at their drawings, hmm, what could athey be, the world may never know!
The birthday girl is Beautiful! and she seems to be enjoying the game :)
Jan and Chris relax after the round of gift giving. hmmm, we should play telephone pictionary!
Well, we made it! It's Friday we have a whole 2 days to relax and enjoy times with friends and family. What a glorious day. It's even sunny, I do hope that it holds out over the weekend. My car was icy this morning which hasn't happend in a while. It was certainly unexpected. I still made it on time to work though, so all is well. we now have 2 people leaving here at work. Mike, my direct boss is being transferrred elswhere and we dont't know who his replacement will be, and I just found out that Brendan, the plant manager is relocating as well. Today is his last day! I tend to be a little out of the loop though. I just hope that I get oficcially hired one of these days. They are the only 2 people who really know my situation. Hopefully the new folks will be nice. Well, still not much going on around here, at least not until All the Fergusons arrive, then life will be lots of fun, hopefully I will remember my camera on Saturday when we go to the EMP. God Bless!
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Blogger was being bad, but the picture part works! Here you go!
Hi! yesterday was Library day #2! I swapped out my first set of books for another dozen, armed with a list of great authors that Jan gave me. I always forget the names of authors, sigh. At least I have people I can count on to help me with my memory! work is back to normal, we have another 3 weeks before month end attacks again. All in all life is pretty good. The Longview Ferguson's are coming up this weekend to go the EMP, and we will get to celebrate Jan's birthday! Lots of fun to look forward to! I think I will head to Ikea after work to pick up some more tealights, they sell 'em for 4.99 for 100 or so, which I just can't pass up! That's about it. God Bless!
My hopes for a sunny weekend have been realized too late. It's Monday again, and while it is really beautiful outside I am trapped indoors in front of a computer. sigh. oh well. I finished my first dozen library books and plan to return them and get some more today, if I can remember how to get there, LOL. this weekend was a lot of fun, I didn't get nearly as much sleep as I wanted to, but hey, there is always next weekend, right? We are still waiting for out DVD player to be replaced, it hasn't come in yet. I admit we are getting rather a bit impatient. Anyway, not much going on right now, so I hope that all of you are enjoying exciting lives, so I can read about them in your blog! Have a great week. God Bless!
Hello all! I apologize to my public for the recent lack in communication. It is Month End here at work, which means we are busy, busy, busy! Today things have finally calmed down a little, thus the much belated blog. * Easter was a lot of fun down in Longview, as most of you know, it was hosted at Chris and Jan’s and the food was GREAT, and it was so good to see everyone! Yesterday being Thursday Dan and Joy came over, Yay! Joy is home and no longer sick! We had a chicken and rice dish that turned out very well. * Today is the first day of April, known as April Fools Day to many (would I let you down on a Holiday?!) So after a small amount of digging I found the reason we make fools of our friends and family (as well as ourselves)! * Nobody knows the exact year that this foolish holiday started, but we know that in France, 1582 Charles IX messed with the calendar. Instead of having the New Year celebrated near the first day of spring (originally it was an 8 day affair starting the 25th of March and going till the 1st of April) He moved it to January 1st. the official Gregorian Calendar. Ok, so now you want to know where the fools come in. I will tell you. Back in the day it took a while to inform people of big changes (and small ones) needless to say it took awhile to get the info around, several years in fact. Then there were the folks who tended to resist change. These folks continued to celebrate the new year in spring instead of January. The general populace labeled these backward folk “fools”. *-“They were subject to some ridicule, and were often sent on "fools errands" or were made the butt of other practical jokes. This harassment evolved, over time, into a tradition of prank-playing on the first day of April. The tradition eventually spread to England and Scotland in the eighteenth century. It was later introduced to the American colonies of both the English and French. April Fool's Day thus developed into an international fun fest, so to speak, with different nationalities specializing in their own brand of humor at the expense of their friends and families.”-* *Reference: And that is that.