Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Temperamental Tuesday

So, wow I actually have something interesting to write about. Interesting in my world anyhow.
Yesterday I worked really hard to catch up form Monday, as always. Then when I got off of work I headed to Kirstin’s house in Kenmore to hang out and have fun with her wedding plans, fun fun. I got to pick up my Matron of Honor Dress, and my matching gloves. It is really cool. Anyhow, after hanging out looking at pictures we headed to a nearby restaurant for dinner. We spilt a bowl of Clam Chowder and I ordered a half rack of St. Louis Ribs, both were very good.
After driving home, I went to open the door, and it got stuck, I heard Jonathan on the other side, so I let him open it for me, only it was REALLY stuck. So he took the doorknob off, and we still couldn’t get it open, so then he took out the hinges, but it would let us push it that way. About 15 minutes later we finally managed to shove the door open. Good Grief! Then we put the door back together, tossed to core of the lock. We don’t want that anymore. So we put the useless doorknob back on so that it looks normal. For now we will just use the deadbolt. That was my exciting Tuesday.
I have bratwurst for dinner tonight, I am hoping the weather will be okay so we can BBQ them, if not I will just fry them. That’s about it folks. God Bless!


fergylf said...

What is with Jonathan and getting stuck inside places where the door won't open? It is like a curse or something

Anonymous said...

I'm glad Jonathan was home to help you.

P.S. I tried to comment on your birthday post but it didn't work so I will say again thank you for a wonderful birthday. The food was great and we had lots of fun.

Anonymous said...

I am not anonymous I'm Jan