Tuesday, May 24, 2005


I’m Back!
Whew, sorry about the looong gap in my blogging folks.
Well it’s Tuesday, only 3.5 more days till VACATION!! Yay! I cannot wait. It’s interesting to plan a camping trip as newlyweds, as we do not have a lot of the basic camp equipment. We have to borrow a lantern and camp stove from Chris and Jan, luckily we have sleeping bags and a tent. I even remembered silverware, I almost forgot the basics, like hot chocolate, and coffee, but I remembered in time. I think we will make it. It’s going to be fun. I have never seen the Oregon Coast before, but I have heard it’s absolutely beautiful!
Well, this weekend was actually kind of relaxing. We slept in Saturday morning, and Kirstin came over and we did some scrap booking- my wedding book is almost finished!
Then Laura came over and joined us for dinner. Then after Kirstin left, the 3 of us went to relax in the hot tub. Happiness. There isn’t much that is a relaxing as a hot tub; a hot tub is better than muscle relaxers.
Sunday we slept in again and then, as it was sunny-ish, we decided to walk to the store to pick up bungee cords (for transporting my bicycle) as soon as we were almost halfway there is starting dumping rain on us!! I was wearing sandals, so I got very wet and cold pretty quickly. We ran the rest of the way to the store, but that stupid crosswalk took FOREVER to turn to the green walking person, I HATE the red hand. Grrr. Anyway, after shopping it looked as if the rain was letting up so we decided to head home without spending excess money on an umbrella. So (again) not yet half way home the rain starts pouring again, what are we, water magnets? So I start running to see that Jonathan is not following suit. He says that statistically you get wetter if you run the rain. Grrr, I don’t like statistics. So we made it home, then we BBQ’ed hamburgers on the deck (the sun came out once we inside of course) and I bundled up in my robe and super cozy slippers that I got for Christmas from my grandma, until it was time to leave for Church. Then we went to church and it was sunny the rest of the afternoon/evening.

After church we went to Wendy’s with Laura. And that is that. My weekend.
My cold is getting better, slowly, but it’s getting there.
God Bless!


Ruby Hardbottle said...

I think many people got soaked to the bone this weekend!

See you this weekend!

fergylf said...

Gotta love Jonathan's statistics

Anonymous said...

We're glad you are back to blogging. We can't wait to see you.