Hello all!
Well most everyone knows that Jonathan has been helping out at World Vision International in California, so its just been me and Levi at the house during the week. Other than the husbandless-ness it has been pretty good. Levi and I continue to jog on days that its not freezing and raining at the same time and I think it is good for both of us. Jonathan and I went to a Valentines' day dinner and dance held at our Church on Friday the 16th, it was a lot of fun! The food was delicious and the dancing was very enjoyable. Jonathan and I were asked to provide the dance music so I filled my ipod with some fun and very danceable tunes and everyone seemed to enjoy our selections, inlcuding a special request; the Peppermist Twist, it was a lot of fun to see everyone participating.
Coming up VERY soon, I get to go to DISNEYLAND for the first time ever!!! Instead of Jonathan coming up here for the weekend I am going down there and we will have a lot of fun. Levi is going to be staying at "Hobodog Haven" we checked it out on Monday and I think he is going to have a lot of fun!
Levi and went down to Chris ans Jan's on Presidents day, and Levi played with "Uncle Wilson" for 2 hours outside in the mud, then we washed them both up and they continued to wrestle for a couple more hours. I don't knopw about Wilson, but Levi was all tuckered out! He slept all the way and then fell right backt o sleep on the bedroom floor, I didn't have the heart to wake him, so I just let him sleep there all night. He didn't get up till I was ready to go to work!
Grandma Ruth and Grandpa Larry came over for lunch and was able to give everyone an update on Jonathan's activities at WVI. It looks as if Jonathan will be doing one more week in addition to the next one. Hopefully I can have him back for good after that.
Well that's basically it, see you all soon (especially the Sew-Expo people)!
God Bless,
1 comment:
Glad you came down to visit. :) Wilson was pretty tired too. He layed around the house the rest of the night. :)
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