Hey Everyone! Sorry about the delay in getting the DC blog up, but the internet has been giving me a bit of grief the last couple of days. To start I will say that David did a GREAT job on the airplane. He slept all the way to the airport... being like 5 am I was a bit jealous, and was happy all the way through security, I ont he other hand had forgotten to renew my drivers license so I had to go through extra screening- I am just glad they let me on the plane. Once he was fed we settled in for the hour long wait to board the plane, David slept a little, but I knew he was going to be tired once we got on the airplane, so he cried abit as we taxied, but settled in for a good nap once we were underway. The whole time change thing was confusing, and we were tired once we finally got to the hotel, so we all settled in for a nice long nap, and woke up at 9pm DC time - a little late for dinner. We were pretty hungry, so once David was fed and happy, we headed downstairs to the Dubliner, an Irish restaurant attached to the hotel- it was VERY good and David even sat in a high chair for a while! After dinner we headed back to our room and promptly went back to sleep- I am glad we did because it made the sightseeing easy to get up for the next day. I will continue to post each day of our adventure, All the Real fun starts in Part two!
God Bless :)
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