Saturday, May 30, 2009
Museum of Flight Fun :)
We had lots of fun watching David play and push buttons, then enjoyed a picnic on the grass under the shadow of a fighter plane :)
Memorial Day Trip
Hello My Friends :)
Our Annual trip to Longview to celebrate the closeness, family and the loss of those who have gone before us was very enjoyable.
We all met Granddad and Grandma Theo at Omelets n' More for our sendoff breakfast and a bit of birthday joviality. Then it was off to Oregon! We met Reuben halfway there, then finally arrived At the cemetery. Our usual spot by the tree was taken so we used a handy location by the water spigot. Got the flowers beautifully arranged then proceeded to find all the gravesites that have a personal meaning for us. We talked and shared the stories that have been passed down about the inhabitant of each grave as we put the flowers in place.
After we had completed our task we visited Corban College where Teresa is attending before heading home.
Happy Memorial Day!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Clearing Photos
Hello Everyone! I have sad news. I am running out of room to post photos in my Google account that keeps David's Web albums. So instead of not sharing new and adorable photos of him, I will be clearing some of the current pics from his older albums. So basically I am sharing this so if you have been meaning to upload his pics from the albums but haven't gotten around to it yet, do it REALLY soon. Of course I always have ALL the photos we have taken of him on my computer, so if there is a specific photo or album you want, just let me know I will e-mail them to you :)
Blessings to you all!
Blessings to you all!
Sunday Afternoon at Allen York Park
David Wasn't very fond of the cold water on his feet, but we all managed to have fun away from the lake
Friday, May 15, 2009
We finally See the sun
After a week of clouds, rain, hail and general gloom, David and I were VERY happy to escape the house and have some fun at the park. We spent an hour an a half running around, hiding from girls and soaking up the heaven sent vitamin D. It was wonderful. We so looking forward to our Memorial Day / Mother's Day / Teresa's Birthday Trip to Longview, it has been much too long since we have seen all the family down there! Here is a dose of David and we can't wait to see you!
God Bless
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Car Week

I am sure that some of my readers are aware that we got a newer vehicle, for those of you who haven't heard, or those who want more info, here is our story.
Saturday: Jonathan says to Tonia, "We should keep our eyes open for a good deal on a SUV and get one in the next 6 months", Tonia says "ok"
Tonia hits craigslist, and finds a lead on a 2002 Dodge Durango. Gives Jonathan the info and goes to her Mom's night out game night.
Jonathan schedules and appointment to see the car on Sunday at 3.
After church we have lunch and then go to see the car, we like it and tell the seller (who will only take cash) that because the banks are closed we would like to come back tomorrow to purchase it. He agrees, yay!
Jonathan goes to the bank as soon as they open and brings back several 100 dollar bills, its a trip to hold all that cash.
we stash it, he goes to work and I meet a friend at the Seattle Aquarium.
Jonathan comes home, we drive to pick up the car, sign all the documents and its ours!
On the way to help my parents paint, I stop at the Motor Vehicle licensing place, and am told that I need an emissions test. After painting I get the test, pass it and go back to the licensing joint to pay my bill, and get new tabs and plates.
Get an Oil Change and fill the gas tank, Mom and Julie come over and we scrapbook :)
Empty the Explorer of all the "Mom-mobile" junk and clean it out so Jonathan can drive it.
Take car in for a full diagnostic, it needs a tune-up and spark plugs- the mechanic seems impressed with how good the condition is (yay!).
Pick the car up from its tune-up, and put the stuff that I want form the Explorer into the Durango and finally all set, legal and taken care of.
Woo-hoo! I have a new SUV with automatic transmission, cruise control, power windows, and keyless entry!
*the photo above is an image of a 2002 Dodge Durango in our Dark Gray, but not our actual vehicle
Friday, May 08, 2009
David's First Scribble!

Hey Everyone! My son is an artist :) Here is his first attempt at contemporary art, Medium: crayon on paper. I am so proud! And he didn't eat the crayon this time. Hip, Hip Hoooray!
* David would like to thank his patron, Aunt Laura, for providing the crayons
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Life keeps on truckin'
While Cleaning the office- yes it's clean, organized and dare I say spacious! I found an old set of little cymbals... Due to David's ability to clap he found them easy to use a loads of fun! He went walking around the house banging them against each other nd everything else to see what sounds it would make, it has been fun, and the sound is much less annoying than many baby toys! Isn't he the cutest?!
The dandelions have overtaken our yard, but David found them fascinating, so I decided to let him play with them for a while :) We had fun during a little dry spell playing in the front yard.
So, since No one else has been blogging, I thought I might share a few more pieces of daily life around here, and photos too of course. Lately the weather has been, well unpredictable, which annoys me because I want sunshine- not sunshine for a couple of minutes between rain showers but real all-day, go to the park and blow bubbles kinda sunshine. sigh. What we have had is rain showers broken by torrential downpours. We still managed to get out a few times in the past few weeks and have some fun, but the stir-crazy nuttiness is beginning to set in. Yesterday I had some fun in the house- my mom came over and scapbooked with me- I actually scrapbboked some of DAVID!! woohoo! of course there is a huge 2 year gap between my last page and the David pages, but it was nice to have some fun with his super cute newborn face and proudly display my hospital wrist band and his tiny little wrist band next to his adorable scrunched face, and my tired, bloated, just-had-surgery face.
David and I went to the Seattle Aquarium with High School Friend, Heather and 2 adorable little boys... we all enjoyed it and afterwards David and I headed to Pikes Place Market to buy tulips- cause they are pretty and Carol inspired me with her facebook photo of all the pretty tulips!
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