I am sure that some of my readers are aware that we got a newer vehicle, for those of you who haven't heard, or those who want more info, here is our story.
Saturday: Jonathan says to Tonia, "We should keep our eyes open for a good deal on a SUV and get one in the next 6 months", Tonia says "ok"
Tonia hits craigslist, and finds a lead on a 2002 Dodge Durango. Gives Jonathan the info and goes to her Mom's night out game night.
Jonathan schedules and appointment to see the car on Sunday at 3.
After church we have lunch and then go to see the car, we like it and tell the seller (who will only take cash) that because the banks are closed we would like to come back tomorrow to purchase it. He agrees, yay!
Jonathan goes to the bank as soon as they open and brings back several 100 dollar bills, its a trip to hold all that cash.
we stash it, he goes to work and I meet a friend at the Seattle Aquarium.
Jonathan comes home, we drive to pick up the car, sign all the documents and its ours!
On the way to help my parents paint, I stop at the Motor Vehicle licensing place, and am told that I need an emissions test. After painting I get the test, pass it and go back to the licensing joint to pay my bill, and get new tabs and plates.
Get an Oil Change and fill the gas tank, Mom and Julie come over and we scrapbook :)
Empty the Explorer of all the "Mom-mobile" junk and clean it out so Jonathan can drive it.
Take car in for a full diagnostic, it needs a tune-up and spark plugs- the mechanic seems impressed with how good the condition is (yay!).
Pick the car up from its tune-up, and put the stuff that I want form the Explorer into the Durango and finally all set, legal and taken care of.
Woo-hoo! I have a new SUV with automatic transmission, cruise control, power windows, and keyless entry!
*the photo above is an image of a 2002 Dodge Durango in our Dark Gray, but not our actual vehicle
We like it. It is quite a process isn't it?
YAY for new cars. now all you have to do is get rid of the older one!
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