Today it dawned bright and beautiful, and though it is November I even dare to say it was WARM. David and I took a walk to the store to purchase some necessary ingredients for gingerbread... but it was just too lovely to go back and hang out in the kitchen, so we headed to the park first. We ate lunch, then spotted a squirrel- now David loves all things small and furry, but he is fascinated by squirrels. So we stalked it... as only a 2 year can, which meant running at it so it ran up a tree very quickly. David asked it to come down, but squirrel refused and then David wanted to climb the tree- that did not work out so well, but he got distracted by "helicopters" witch must be the best ever seed pods made by God. Then mr. squirrel jumped from his tree to the one adjacent to it- sending a couple dozen helicopters spinning down from a great height- both David and I thought it was REALLY cool.
The next hour was spent with David discovering fall, and me re-discovering fall through his eyes! We caught yellow leaves as they fell, we found lichen, and tiny "pine-cones" that were actually cedar-cones, and big leaves and little leaves. He made brown leaves go "crunch, crunch" under his feet... and we both ran through them giggling at the delightful sound. WE HAD FUN, and I kept wishing for my camera and alternately being glad we could just enjoy it. I will hold the memories in my mind forever, but am a little sad that I can't share the images with you. We brought home some of our fall bounty.... and:
David got put down for a nap because it was just too much fun to handle life any longer. Once he got up, he played football with daddy- and learned to catch :) then after dinner we glued fun nature bits to scrapbook paper. My post park craft was delayed- but enjoyed :) I hope you have enjoyed our stories, and enjoy the photos of David's craft and of him catching the football.
Happpy Fall Ya'll!
1 comment:
Enjoyed your story... felt like I was with you. It was a beautiful day. I did get out for a bit to photograph the beautiful trees around
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