The Up's and Down's, In's and Out's of daily life with a loving husband, a sweet boy, a fun-loving gal and a new life in the Philippines! God has indeed blessed us.
Monday, January 31, 2005
Happy memories of the space needle!! :)
Some of the wacky EMP architecture (and my handsome husband!)
Jonathan in fron the of the Guitar sculpture at the EMP
Hello all! Sorry for the gap in Blogs- it has been a busy weekend! Saturday Jonathan and I went on our Seattle date. We started at the EMP (Experience Music Project) and saw many cool displays. There is a sculpture made of over 600 guitars that rises up like a cyclone in shape. 40 of the guitars are mechanized and work together to play music- it takes 6 guitars to make one chord as each guitar can only play one string at a time- it is quite phenominal! There was a Beattles display as well as a Jimi Hendrix display. There were workshops to play various instruments in and play with sound mixing and foot pedal. All in all it was very cool! Next we went to Outback for dinner, we split an appetizer of Coconut Shrimp- one of my favorites and Jonathan had The Rock Hampton Rib-eye Steak and I had the Victoria Fillet- YUM!! We opted to skip dessert as we were quite full and wait till we went home for some ice cream:)
Sunday we went to The Morning Service at church and brought Laura with us, then I left Laura and Jonathan to meet Aleen to carpool up to the Alderwood mall to meet Kirstin and do some Bridesmaid dress shopping. It was quite fun, though a bit exhausting, it felt as if we tried on every option in the store! Kirstin's mom was there and 3 out of 4 Bridesmaids, so we had to please 5 people!!! Finally we found one that EVERYONE liked! It is really cute actually- some that we tried on were very typical "bridesmaid dresses" that you could never wear again, this one has potential. I am glad that we were successful on the first outing. Today, being Monday was somewhat tiring, I go in early on Mondays to train for Emergency Payroll duty- incase Karrie is ever sick. It is quite extensive and requires about 3 hours, which puts me 2 and a half hours behind my normal schedule, which means that I will be playing catch-up till Thursday. Today after work I freshened up Holly's cage and let her hop around the house. I belive that the freedom we allow her so often is going to her head. When I put her back into her cage she attmeped to destroy the walls to escape! Oh-my, I am not sure how to let her know that throwing temper tantrums is no the way to get extra hopping time. God Bless!
Saturday, January 29, 2005
Happiness!! But we will all miss Joy
Having fun playing poker
The cake, it is Spanish for "Bon Voyage" or Good Journey
Thursday, Joy, Dan, Natalie, Trevor, Laura and Kirstin and Michael came over Thursday to celebrate the Sadness of Joy's Leaving. Way Lots of fun complete with Pizza, bread sticks and Cake. We played poker and watched mindless television. Just what we expect wit Dan and Joy :) See Pictures for details. Friday, Laura came over we watched television and ate a homeade pot pie, more fun. Saturday, Jonathan and I are going on a date in Seattle. We will visit the EMP and go out to eat, yay for no dishes!!! If I remember the camera I might upload pictures for everyone. It is now Midnight and I am super sleepy. So, Buenas Noches. Vaya con Dios
It's Thursday!!! We are having a going away party for Joy tonight (she doesn't know yet cause it's a surprise) and we have a cake that says: BuenoViaje! as that is the closest thing I could come up with for Bon Voyage- but in Spanish. Joy will be in Costa Rica on a Nursing/Missions trip for 2 whole months. Where her bridesmaids and groom will be left to plan her wedding that will take place just a month or 2 after her return!!! Anyway, tonight should be lots of fun, even though it will be covered with the impending sadness of her being gone :( Jonathan and I watched Alias last night- it was a pretty good one. So anyway. thats about all thta is cool and exciting in my little life, It's month end here at work, so we are trying to get everything ship-shape, but I am pretty much ready. So yeah. God Bless!
Hi All! Sorry it's been so long since my last blog. So, This weekend was a lot of fun, My dad set up our freezer and it works great! I no longer have food attacking me when I get into the little freezer, yay! Later Saturday Night Jonathan and I met Dan and Joy at Applebee's for dinner and a had a most delicious steak. It was unbelievable, even better than some I have had at Outback!! So we had fun and then went to the Cinema to see Ocean's 12, it was pretty good, thought you definetely had to have seen the first one. Sunday... hmm... what did we do? We slept in and had a yummy breakfast, I talked to Laura online a little. then we went shopping and put food into the big freezer. Then we went to church and got some frosties from Wendy's and took them to Laura and Bonnie :) Lots of fun. Yesterday The network here at work got a virus and it has been really hard to get rid of it. But we are managing. Jonathan and I had leftover Stew and ICE CREAM!!! I really like ice cream, but we havn't had room for it till the new freezer, so life is very happy now :) I must return to work, hopefully I will remember to blog tommorow- an hopefully life will be somewhat interesting! :) God Bless
First of all, I havn't eaten a toad, live or otherwise-nor do I intend to. So today is Saturday, I love Saturdays! So My Dad is coming over to our place to help install our new chest freezer- while the guys do that I am going to go shopping for groceries and stock up on meat and buy ICE CREAM! cause now we will have room for it!!!! Then we plan to go to a movie with Dan and Joy- life is just full of good times! Yesterday Laura came over and we watched Firefly- lots of fun. She had dinner with us and It was great! I finally got the chance to use my new "Fix-it-and Forget it" cookbook that I got for Christmas from Grandma Theo, It turned out really well! Anyhow I am off to clean up before daddya gets here. God Bless!
For weeks now I have been promised a new computer here at work. It had become an amusing myth whenever I talked about ti at home. The one I have been using is old to say the least. Today it happened! I got to work and it was just here, all ready, almost. I turned it on to find htat all the data I needed was stuck on my old PC . So we had to plug my old computer back in and transfer all the information to a shared folder that I could access from the new one. So I was a couple of hours behind by the time we got everything worked out, and I didn't get my work e-mail set up until after lunch! Anyway I am very glad it all worked out so well. Last night Jonathan and I had enchiladas for dinner and then we watched Alias, it was a pretty good one. Tonight Dan and Joy will probably come over, I am not sure yet what I will make for dinner. We will probably play poker or maybe a different game, and watch some pointless television. Tomorrow I think that Laura is coming over so we can continue the Firefly series... I never watched this much TV before I met Laura, now I even watch Gilmore girls sometimes, last weeks was pretty good. Anyway, I am back to work- I want to stay on schedule. God Bless!
Wow, can ya'll believe this rain? It's utterly ridiculous. Work went really well today, I found and fixed a problem that we didn't even quite realize that we had, and Karrie said I did a good job, which always makes me feel happy :)
Today is just a normal, albeit wet day. I will go home in just a little while and come up with something for dinner, then Jonathan will come home (YAY!) and we will eat and maybe continue reading some more, fun, fun!
So I bid you all a cozy and (somehow) dry Tuesday.
God Bless
Well I was going to write the long version of our weekend, but Holly managed to erase the whole thing by climbing onto the keyboard while I was typing, how she erased it all with 2 keystrokes I will never know. Anyhow we did have a fun weekend and I will attempt to fill you all in as eloquently as I did just 10 minutes ago.
Friday: I picked up the New DVD system after work and it was in- yay- I set it up and determined that we need another cord that was not included because our TV is picky. Jonathan and I went to get the cord (as well as my mommy's birthday present) and it worked, almost. Jonathan said we need on more cord. Then I wrapped mom's present and we got some shut-eye.
Saturday: We had a yummy breakfast of fried egg sandwiches on english muffins, which was doubly exciting as while I was cracking them I got a double-yoker! This is exciting since I haven't seen one in over 10 years! Cool. Then we went to my family's house to hang out and play Monopoly. I played somewhat reluctantly as I new that my husband was going to eradicate me. I was the first to go, then Julie went out and it was Jonathan against my mom. Jonathan managed to get the upper-hand and then eradicated my dear mother, even as my daddy was making threats against him for doing so. We had Stir-Fry for dinner and Julie made a WONDERFUL pineapple-upsidedown-cake (one of my favorites) and then Jonathan talked to Jeremiah to figure out what cord we needed. Then we came back to Renton and stopped by to get the last cable" IT WORKED!!! Now our cool new system is all set up! I then got a phone call form Julie, apparently when we returned the TV we were borrowing and handed over our old DVD player we had inadvertently left the movie that we were planning on watching with Laura tomorrow. sigh.
Sunday: Jonathan and I got up to do a little shopping and we went to Barnes and Noble to use our giftcard that we wond at His work party. We got the first 5 "Redwall" books by Brian Jaques, they are very good and we are going to read them together, what fun! Then we went to Target to use a leftover gift card from the wedding (This is where Holly deleted everything) And we got a CD stand to hold all of our CD's as the old one I had wasn't the best for the Job. So now we are all set, the CD's are alphabetized and we have a cool system. We went to church and worship went really well. Jonathan kept expecting Laura to show up, but as she is visiting the Longview people she didn't. When we got home I came into the computer room and noticed that the computer screen was dusty, but I had just cleaned it a few days earlier, I decided that Holly's hopping aaround must be stirring up dust, so Jonathan and I decided that she is a little dust-bunny. Then I blogged while Jonathan built a nice fire, then I re-blogged (thanks Holly) while he watched TV, now I am going to leave you all to go read with my dear husband. God Bless!
It's Friday!!!! I love Fridays. They are so inviting and friendly.Today we get to (finally) pick up our new DVD player and set it up (yay). I have been helping Mike, the controller here at work, get caught up with his organization. He is about 7 months behind and I am single-handedly fixing it. grr. Oh well. So about the title, today I was pulling some files to pay freight bills here at work when a tiny little spider hopped out of the papers and started running around my desk-yikes- so I grabbed my post-it notes and -bam! I smushed it. The I peeled off the top post-it and tossed it in the trash. I Love post-its, almost as much as Fridays.
I am looking forward to Saturday as Jonathan and I will be going to My parents house to annihilate my sister in a game of Monopoly. Lots of fun I predict. Laura is coming over on Monday to watch "Firefly" with us, a new TV show we are watching together. It should prove to be quite entertaining.
Last night Dan and Joy came over bringing with them their new poker set, its very cool. Definitely top-notch. We played and watched a little television and I played with Joy's hair as a way of practicing for the wedding! Yay. Weddings are so much fun. I get to be her florist- I hope it turns out well!
Kirstin finally found her wedding dress, I have not yet seen it yet, but it sure sounds pretty!
Anyhow, adieu for now.
God Bless
Hello all. It is now Wednesday, which means I will get to watch Alias this evening (yay!) fun, fun. It is really windy out today, I am sitting at my desk and watching the trees run around while I work on "downtime logs" and blog, I am working at my multi-tasking skills :) So yesterday I attempted something that I have never done before I made Cornish game hens. I have eaten them a few times and wondered if I could do a better job. So I sprinkled them with my new Mrs. Dash seasoning and stuffed them with stuffing. I then put them in the oven with a little butter under their wings and on their backs, and snuggled with Jonathan for an hour and fifteen minutes, while they cooked. I then cooked the leftover stuffing (as little game hens cannot fit much inside of them) while I unstuffed the hens and got out flatware. I was pleasantly surprised at how well they turned out. We enjoyed out scrumptious dinner, and Holly enjoyed some sunflower seeds and oats with her dinner. The radio stations continue to threaten snow and continue to be wrong, we are still hoping though. Work is going very well which is nice, I am finally getting the hang of all of it. Anyhow, I must go back to my "downtime logs" God Bless!
So, it's Monday. I am back at work, it has actually been slightly unusual today as I got to work at 7:30 this morning instead of my usual 8:00. Why? To begin training for payroll, I am to the backup for Karrie in case she gets sick or something. So for the next several months I will arrive early every Monday until I know what I am doing. Of course, Karrie hasn't been sick on amonday in over year. Basically it's just a precaution. Lets just hope that if she does get sick (heaven forbid) that I will have retained everything.
Anyway. Yesterday was Sunday, and Sundays are a lot more fun to write about, as they are on a weekend :) Jonathan and I went to pick up our new surround sound system. Alas, it wasn't in yet, even though its was supposed to be in by the ninth. *sigh* So they finally called and informed us that it would be in by the 13th. On a happier note, while we were at the store I got to spend my $50 I got for Christmas on a new black leather jacket, it looks pretty cool, and it's nice and warm. In other words it is perfect! We had church in the eveing and it was really good, then we went to Laura's dorm room and installed her new DVD player into her computer- and yay it works! It was actually quite the amusing process :)
Nothing else to say really, tinight is laundry night- but that not really exciting at all. so I will bid you farewell.
Sunday, January 09, 2005
We clean up pretty nice :)
Me with my cup of tea, ahhh
Jonathan rakes in the money! Each blue chip is worth a $1000.oo!
So Saturday began... Jonathan and I started by eating a delicious breakfast of "Hobo Hash" wich is scrambled egges mixed with chunks of ham and bits of potatoe all topped with melted cheese (yum). Then we went to get our hair cut..Jonathan nice and short, as usual and me a trim, so my long looks healthy:) Next stop:home. We watche d little tv and ate lunch. Then I started doing my hair for the big party! I began at 2 and Jonathan watched football. My hair was finished by 4:15 Then we got all dressed up, Jonathan looking dashing in his Tux and me elegant in my dress with elbow gloves. We then headed for Seattle and the party began! There were Hor'devoures and drinks to start, and then they opened a buffet style table of little eats of avarius kinds, inluded was a delicious slice of roast beef ( I really should of had seconds it was so good, Jonathan did) The we sampled some of the desserts (wow) and hit the blackjack table with our "deloitte dollars" These were given to us on our arrival. I managed to turn my 3 thousand dollars into 13 thousand! Jonathan (the aptly named hight roller) turned 2 thousand into 80 thousand!!! For each thousand we made we got a ticket that went into a raffle. It took about 20-30 minutes to write Jonathans name on the back of them. But it worked cause we won a $25 gift certificate to Barnes and Noble! While we were gambling they played a good swing song, so took a break and jumped up tp dance! It was loads of fun as usual and our dealer complemented us on our ability. Wen then headed home to fall asleep almost immediatly as it was WAY past our usual bedtime. Ah, so much in just one little day!
Yay! So Laura is fianlly coming over to vist, Holly can't wait to meet her! I am going to attempt to pick up our freezer this evening, am not sure if it will fit in the it will make a good story anyways! So tomorrow is Jonathan's work party-totally can't wait to get all dressed up and see my handsome husband in a tux again! If I manage to remmeber my camera I will post pics of us at the occasion :) Anyhow, I should get back to work.. I might tell about Laura's visit later!
So Laura and My family came to visit and I did get the freezer home, and Bug and daddy carried it up the stairs. We all ate hamburgers and baked potatoes. Then we played a great game of apple to apples. I won (YAY) and Laura's card described her as "misunderstood" which gave her great joy and she rejoiced- yes we caught her being happy! So then Jonathan went to bed, then my family left and then Laura finished her laundry and then she left. Then as I was about to climb into bed I realized that it was snowing!! For the very first time we had snow at our house! So I leaned over the deck until I cought a snowflake in my mouth! then I ran and took a picture of it falling against the trees behind our deck.Yay.. so to all a good night.
Yay I got a good title 'cause of the weather!
Anyway I am writing this today from... WORK! Yay I am all better! Now my life can continue as normal. So I just wanted all of you to know that I am all right. I will finish today when more has happened.
ITS SNOWING!!!!!!! AND IT'S STICKING!!!! IT'S SNOWING!!!!!! Just so ya know Happiness is falling from the sky!
Ok, so the snow stopped. That doesn't mean it won't start again. Okay, so happy things coming up: *Friday (thats a good thing in itself) we will hopefully get out new chest freezer picked up. *Saturday (even better!) We have Jonathan's work party (yay) so we get to get all dressed up and have fun and eat good food for free and stuff :)
Anyhow, I don't know if anyone is coming over this evening or not, I forgot to call the Rowe's to Be and Laura is "doing homework" so I will let you know if life gets interesting or wether its just nice and relaxing.
I am now here to assure you all that I am indeed still alive. While there has been nothing normal about this week I am glad that it is almost over. On Tuesday I skipped work to recover from Monday, fully planning on returning to work today, right after a quick check up at the doctor. Doc said all was mostly well, just take vitamin C and drink tea, and prescribed a cough syrup, ok. So they also decided to send some of my blood to the lab to check my iron and sugar levels. Ok, well... not ok. Seconds after they drew the blood I got dizzy, thought I might pass out and vomited instead. So I didn't go into work, needless to say. On a happier note I feel much better now and have no worries about tomorrow. So I thank you all for your prayers and would like to acknowledge Holly for keeping me company as well as amused and to Laura, who refused to visit cause she doesn't want whatever it is I have, errr HAD.
I am now going to watch Alias with Jonathan (yay) and relax before my triumphant return to work tomorrow- luckily I work for great people who just want me to get better :) May God bless all of you! ~Ton
Apparently Monday is tired of being the bad day of the week, or maybe it just doesn't take criticism well. Anyway, it got back. How you ask, well by kicking me out of work for 2 days with a wretched stomach something. I plan on going to the Doctor's today to see if I will live. Or really, how long my life will be miserable before I can go back to being me. Anyway. Holly is great company and will hop around while I lay on my bed or the couch amusing me with her bunny antics. This is my official Monday-Tuesday Blog and hopefully I will be back with more energy by Wednesday. Until then, God Bless You all.
Our trip to Longview was a lot of fun, we had dinner with Chris, Jan Laura and Teresa, it was delicious! Then we headed over to Aunt Linda's to celebrate with goodies and games. We played Apples to Apples and Battle of the Sexes, Apples went over quite well, though the guys didn't so much like Battle of the Sexes (of course the girls won) all in all it was enjoyable. Then Laura, Teresa, Jonathan and I went over to Diane and Jacob Hammond to fully welcome the new year, we raised glasses of sparkling cider at midnight and watched some of the neighborhood fireworks, then went back inside. The guys started playing Halo 2, a videogame and us gals played Telephone Pictionary a few times, the we decided that the girls should try to compete against each other on the videogame. Diane, Teresa and I managed to slaughter the other team 3 out of 4 times! Then the guys started helping th girls team out so we all quit. Us Fergusons finally left to make it back home at 5am. We then slept till noon! Then Granma Ruth and Grandpa Larry came over and we celbrated Grandmas Birthday! We had delicious desserts and chatted for a while, it was quite enjoyable :) Then Jonathan and I came home to Renton to take care of Holly who eagerly greeted us and relaxed with us while we watched "When Harry Met Sally" and "While you were out". Jonathan (my wonderful husband) fixed the vacuume cleaner so it works just as good as it ever did! Today Jonathan is watching football and we are undecorating our house :( Oh well, The decorations have to come down sometime, and My dear sweet Jonathan is so very practical.