Saturday, January 22, 2005

If you eat a live toad first thing every morning, nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day!

First of all, I havn't eaten a toad, live or otherwise-nor do I intend to.

So today is Saturday, I love Saturdays! So My Dad is coming over to our place to help install our new chest freezer- while the guys do that I am going to go shopping for groceries and stock up on meat and buy ICE CREAM! cause now we will have room for it!!!! Then we plan to go to a movie with Dan and Joy- life is just full of good times!

Yesterday Laura came over and we watched Firefly- lots of fun. She had dinner with us and It was great! I finally got the chance to use my new "Fix-it-and Forget it" cookbook that I got for Christmas from Grandma Theo, It turned out really well!
Anyhow I am off to clean up before daddya gets here.
God Bless!

1 comment:

Ruby Hardbottle said...

Further toad-swallowing advice:
1. If you have to swallow a toad, swallow him whole.
2. If you have to swallow several toads, swallow the biggest one first.