Friday, January 14, 2005


It's Friday!!!! I love Fridays. They are so inviting and friendly. Today we get to (finally) pick up our new DVD player and set it up (yay). I have been helping Mike, the controller here at work, get caught up with his organization. He is about 7 months behind and I am single-handedly fixing it. grr. Oh well. So about the title, today I was pulling some files to pay freight bills here at work when a tiny little spider hopped out of the papers and started running around my desk-yikes- so I grabbed my post-it notes and -bam! I smushed it. The I peeled off the top post-it and tossed it in the trash. I Love post-its, almost as much as Fridays.
I am looking forward to Saturday as Jonathan and I will be going to My parents house to annihilate my sister in a game of Monopoly. Lots of fun I predict. Laura is coming over on Monday to watch "Firefly" with us, a new TV show we are watching together. It should prove to be quite entertaining.

Last night Dan and Joy came over bringing with them their new poker set, its very cool. Definitely top-notch. We played and watched a little television and I played with Joy's hair as a way of practicing for the wedding! Yay. Weddings are so much fun. I get to be her florist- I hope it turns out well!
Kirstin finally found her wedding dress, I have not yet seen it yet, but it sure sounds pretty!
Anyhow, adieu for now.
God Bless

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