Thursday, April 14, 2005

Thankful for Thursdays

It’s Thursday!
And Thursday’s at my place are almost as exciting as Friday’s, in fact, sometimes more so (aside from the getting up the next morning thing).
So I think I am going to make a couple of pizza’s, since I don’t have any better ideas. Laura is coming over as well, which should be lots of fun. She is borrowing a sleeping bag; I think it is for her hall or floor retreat.

Jonathan and I watched Alias last night, they did a pretty good job. It had a nice unexpected twist at the end, which it kind of needs so that nobody gets bored.
Life is going pretty good, the house ill nice and clean, I gave Holly a paper towel roll to play with and she was happily gnawing on it when I left for work this morning.

I discoved what my mystery plant is, for all of you who knew about it... dun dun dah da...
It is a Calla Lily! who would have thought?
Well I better get back to work!

God Bless!


fergylf said...

Yes, Alias was good last night. I liked Marshal's boldness. :)

Ruby Hardbottle said...

YAY! The Calla Lily is alive after all!