This has been an exciting few weeks!
My baby brother turned 20 years old and I realized that he is the same age that I was when I started dating the man who is now my husband. Which means that he is old enough to fall in love. That's kinda hard for a big sister to take in, what with little Teresa turning 18 this year, I am starting to feel like time is moving pretty quickly. To celebrate his birthday, Jeremiah wanted to go snowboarding, so he recruited me. I couldn't both turn him down and pass up the chance to give it a try. So I in my infinite gullibility I headed to Crystal Mountain. We paid for our lift tickets and for the equipment rental, Jeremiah showed me how to put on my boots and the later, the snowboard. He tought me how to (kinda) stand up and just barely make it onto the lift! The view from the lift was spectacular, it was a beautiful evening. The ride up was very relaxing, until we had to get off, which meant sliding onto the hill while the lift continued to move and deposit me into a snowbank. Loads of fun. I got my snowboard firmly attached and tried to stand up, 12 times, then I crawled to a beam and pulled my self up. I headed down the mountain and fell over 15 feet later. With the handy beam 15 feet above me I had to learn an alternate method of standing up with my feet firmly attached to a board. It took a few tries but I managed to discover a sideways version of standing up. managed about 10 feet before falling yet again (I am glad that snow is relatively soft) I repeated the proccess a dozen and a half times before making it down to the bottom. Then Bug wanted to try a different lift, so I being the coolest sister in the world, agreed. BIG MISTAKE - it was seriously the steepest hill in the world! I stood up at the top and attemped to glide down it as gracefully as the last hill... no such luck, I fell every 4 feet or so and most of the time couldn't even stand back up, because the hill was too steep to keep my feet under me long enough to obtain an upright position. So I slid down on my elbows and snowboard until I could stand it no longer and unclipped the board and walked down. My young and energy filled brother headed up again, while I happily played photographer. We then enjoyed a cup of hot cocoa and a light dinner and while he took in a couple of runs I returned my equipment and attempted to dry my soaking self under the bathroom hand dryers. All in all a fun, albiet painful, trip. We had fun on our drive home and enjoyed lemon cake at home with Jonathan. I think I will stick to skydiving!
Meanwhile... Holly got a new cage and we moved her in before heading out, and she spent the time hopping around her new palace. I hope you enjoy the pictures as mucha s she is enjoying her new house.
God Bless!
1 comment:
I think snowboarding sounds much harder than skiing. We cannot get the pictures of Holly to open. Maybe tomorrow. Have fun with Grandma and Grandpa.
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