Friday, January 05, 2007

Introducing...Levi the Puppy!

Hello all! Last night on Thursday, January 4th 2007 Jonathan and I adopted a big little brother for Holly. He is a 12 week old German Shepherd/Husky puppy. He is absolutely adorable and loves to follow us around. He is growing out of his baby teeth and having a lit of fun playing tug of war with his new toys. He is really smart and seems to learn quickly, we have been practicing "sit" and "stay", and trying to learn "lay down". Today we went to Petco and picked up a few things for him, he picked out a cow-tow, which seems to be his favorite so far. His eating habits are unlike any dog I have owned yet; first of all he wanders when he eats, taking a mouthful and dropping a couple of pieces while he walks, he then "discovers" the kibble bits and pounces on them! He also never eats all his food at once, he has a bite or two, then goes back a little later for more, a 1/2 cup can last him a few hours. He likes to be around us and will follow us around the house and lay at our feet if we are boring. He learned how to use the doggy door really fast, and will wander out just to check the weather and come right back in. I think we are still working on potty training, although we havn't had a problem at our house yet, I think that the dog door is BIG help. He has piddled on my parents kitchen floor and floor of the pet store. But the gal who we adopted him from says that he won't go on carpet, apparently he is strictly a linoleum dog. LOL.
He has really big paws and should grow up to be around 100 lbs! He likes walks around the neighborhood, but doesn't like the pitbull a few doors down. We haven't actually indroduced him to Holly and I think that she will be happier not knowing that there is a dog so close. Other than the pitbull he just wants to make friends with everone and everydog he meets. He tried really hard into talking me to bring home a Pug for him to play with, the Pug's mommy said no.

Let us know what you think of our new cutie!

God Bless!

1 comment:

Ruby Hardbottle said...

Welcom to the family Levi! You sure are adorable.