Wednesday, October 10, 2007

New Car

Hello Everyone!
Jonathan and I finally found ourselves a new used car that fit our budget. It looks pretty nice- ironically it is the same make, model and color as the old Suzuki but it is one year newer and a manual. There are a couple of negative points- but should be fixable. There are several bumper stickers that differ with out polital and world view that need to be romoved and while it has had only one owner, it is obvious that he was a smoker. So we now have the ardous job of finding the secret to removing cigarette ordors from cars, with the internet offering lots of suggestions I am confidant that it can be done with some time and energy. Until we finally do get it clean smelling I wont be driving or riding in it as the smell of smoke makes me even more sick than it used to. Hopefully soon I can post photos of both cars just so you can see the difference. LOL. Poor car.
So wish us luck with the smell removal and bumper sticker elimination!
God Bless!

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