Hello everyone! We finally got the baby room painted :) I would like to thank the following poeple for their time and energy: Aunt's Laura, Teresa and Julie, Uncle Bug, and Grandma and Grandpa McQuiston. We painted to room 2 shades of green, with the lighter shade having sponge-painted stripes over it. As you may have guessed by my very clever title, we had a little difficulty with the door. Jonathan recently put in a new doorknob since the old one broke, and when I closed the door to the baby room to keep Levi from getting dog fur on the new paint job I thought nothing of it. When I when to open the door however I met with a problem. The door wouldn't open- so I had to turn the know while kicking in the door, quite a site based on the reactions of all who saw me. While I did get the door open it do to a small bit of damage to the door jam, luckily Jeremiah is reather handy and was able to repair the damage. Please enjoy the photos of our painting adventure!
God Bless
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