Thursday, January 06, 2005

Happiness is:

Hot chocolate in front the fireplace while it’s snowing

The sound of rain on the roof while you are snug in bed

Hearing from a friend you haven’t seen in a while

Bunny Rabbits

Getting mail from someone who loves you

Pictures of you with friends and family

Chai Tea

Being complimented on the dinner you made yourself

Dancing with someone you love

Holding hands while you’re shopping

Summer sunshine

Autumn leaves

Winter snow

Spring Flowers

Chasing Rainbows

Hugging your daddy

Cozy new pajamas

Hot tea with Honey

Telling silly true stories for the first time

Getting dressed up to go out

Hot soup

Spending time with your mom and sister scrap booking

Kissing your husband when he gets home

Having great co-workers who just want you to get better

Finding out your co-workers missed you when you were sick

Getting new post-it notes

Choosing your own music at work

Singing Christmas Carols

Making Someone Laugh

Cutting out snowflakes

Falling in Love

Reading New blogs

Receiving comments on your own blog

Eating leftovers for lunch

Visiting with Friends


Ruby Hardbottle said...

You sound happy... :)

fergylf said...

getting new post-its makes me happy too. lol