Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Holly's First Weekend Alone

We went Camping in the San Juan Islands this weekend, in Honor of Jonathan's Birthday. It was absolutely delightful! I cannot wait to put up the many pictures I took while on our various excursions.
On the other hand, poor little Holly Bunny was left alone. We gave her lots of extra food and filled her water as high as the bottle could hold. When we got back she was hungry, but still quite plump and she still had water left, which was my greatest fear. She will not be hurt to mis a meal. but bunnies need to stay hydrated, especially in the summer. Just like people. Only we don't have to wear fur.
I also think that I will succomb to buying a bunny leash. While it may be a bit odd, it should allow me to let her hop around the house more, because if she has a leash she will be much easier to catch. Once she gets used to it I think we will all be happy, as long as I don't get scratched, cause poor Jonathan can't stand to see me bleed.
Coming soon (I hope)- PICTURES!!!
Happy 24th Birthday Jonathan!
And God Bless us Everyone!

Monday, July 18, 2005

And the Summer Continues...

Well, its July, We are almost done with weddings for the year. Ater Jonathan's birthday this weekend, We only have to attend Ben's wedding at the end of this month, then it's just the Terry Taylor and our 1st Anniversary :)
Then it will be fall.
I am still planning on putting pictures from some of the showers and the weddings, so you can all see what has been keeping me away from my blog.
My job is going very well, it looks as if I will be aroudn for a while. I am receptionist for a paper and packaging company called Kent H. Landsberg.
Everyone here is really nice, and so far I think I know what I am doing. they have been giving me more work so I don't get bored much anymore which is very nice.
I am really looking forward to the camping trip at the San Juan Islands this weekend. we need to finish celebrating Laura's birthday so that we can Celebrate Jonathan's!
Well, thats it for now!
God Bless!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Selah Selah, My Blog is Back!

Well, I think I have just about recovered from my whirlwind 2 weeks, Jonathan and I actually have an unplanned weekend ahead of us!!! Yeah!
This is the last of my memorial day pics, it took me almost 13 hours to get them all posted! but I am sure most of you have seen them already, it took me awhile to remmeber to put the head in :)
Enjoy, I will have more blogs soon!
God Bless!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Wow what a find! Isn't it cute :) Posted by Picasa

The First Morning at camp I went to take a shower and found a little tree frog in my sink! It was really cute, luckily I was content to sit on my hand till I could get to Joanthan to take a picture. Posted by Picasa

We Spent the day at seaside, shopping and flying kites! What fun :) Posted by Picasa

We had lunch at an adorable little italian restaurant at Seaside Posted by Picasa

Jonathan poses at the statue of Lewis and Clark Posted by Picasa

This is the kite we got at SeaSide, I named it Glory! It flies wonderfully! Posted by Picasa

Joanthan flies the kite Posted by Picasa

After Enjoying SeaSide we checked out the Fort that Luis and Clark built to stay out the winter when they found the pacific. Here is Jonathan in one of the crew quarters Posted by Picasa

Me at the entrance to the fort Posted by Picasa

For My birthday We headed to Cannon beach! What a lovely place! Here is the restaurant that we ate lunch at. It was beautiful and the food was delicious :) Posted by Picasa

This is the big Stone fireplace in the restaurant where we ate Posted by Picasa

This is me in fron of the biggest rock I have ever seen! It didn't take me long tof all in love with Cannon beach Posted by Picasa

The Beautiful Haystack Rock! I had never realized before just how big it really was Posted by Picasa

Jonathan Carried my flip flops so that I could walk along the beach barefoot taking pictures :) Posted by Picasa

After our walk on the beach we reached Haystack rock and the tidepools! Posted by Picasa

Jonathan found a hermit crab! Posted by Picasa

Tidepool rocks are so pretty Posted by Picasa

I found a Hermit crab while investigating the tidepools Posted by Picasa

My Contribution to the beach scenery Posted by Picasa

My Birthday Present Posted by Picasa

This is the sunset God gave me for my birthay! Posted by Picasa

While we were at Hug Pint we Saw a Seal come up on the beach. Posted by Picasa

This is us at "Hug Point" :) we stopped there on our way to a hike and Tillamook Cheese Factory. Posted by Picasa

We stopped to go on a "little hike" that I had heard about, here is a view on the way, it turned out to be longer than we expected... Posted by Picasa

The reward for climbing the REALLY BIG HILL, or was it a small mountain?! Posted by Picasa