Thursday, July 17, 2008

DC Interupted

Hey everyone... the internet has been ab it slow for us lately, combine that with life being busy and my blogging has been getting away from me. Just thought I would post a few photos from the 4th of July celebration down in Longview. We had a wonderful time even though we ended up with a bit of rain- it didn't affect us too much. It was great to see everyone and give David a chance to be charming. I got to fulfill my pilot lesson from Jonathan and thouroughly enjoyed it, and hope to fly again :) thats all I am going to write for now... dinner still has to be finished and laundry is NEVER done. lol. will try to catch everyone up on what we have been up to when I can, but know that I am thinking of all my loyal readers, even when I am not actually blogging!
God Bless ya'll!
~Tonia, Jonathan, David and Levi
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Tuesday, July 01, 2008

DC-Part 4-Sightseeing

Wednesday was our Sightseeing Day, we got tickets for a service called Tourmobile, it goes in a set loop to various monuments and memorials, Smithsonians and Arlington... there are several buses and you can hop off an any stop you want and depend on a new bus every 20 minutes. It was a great way to get around and learn a lot of history on the way, the guides were very knowledgeable. Our first stop was the impressive Washington Monument, 55 feet tall, a beautiful Obelisk shining white against the blue sky, from there we walked to the WWII memorial which is quite new and found it to be very well done, there were 2 sides, one representing the Atlantic and the Pacific. A wall of gold stars in remembrance of the price of Freedom captured my attention- each star representing 100 fallen Americans. Next we took the Tourmobile past the Jefferson Memorial and got off again at the Lincoln Memorial, it is stunning! Despite the large quantity of tourists it maintained an austere reverent feeling. There were 36 columns around the memorial- each representing a State of the Union at the time of Lincolns Presidency. Our next stop was the Vietnam Memorial, Granite polished to such a shine that the surrounding area was reflected on it. We then rode past the White House and jumped off again to see some of the areas of the Natural History Museum that we hadn't gotten around to on the first trip. We enjoyed dinner from the Station Grill (at Union Station) but ended up just taking the food back to the hotel as David was quite tired and desperately needed a nap. Part 5 will be my first day alone with David in DC!
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