Tuesday, November 29, 2005

No Snow

Hey all!! check out my new "space" it has a photo slideshow attached.

On another note, yesterday was a bit interesting.
All day we listened to the radio at work while the news people said that it was going to snow overnight. So here I am at work watching the... you guessed it, rain.
Oh well.
My friend Sarah, came over lastnight to spend the night cause she had her big nursing test today. It has a funny name, but I forget what its called. Anyway the testing center is in Renton, so she stayed with us so she woudn't have to drive as far. It was fun. I hope that she is doing well on the test. Also our family friend Cindy and her daughter Christina stopped by to look at my green ("Christine") dress, and ended up borrowing it for a play.
Tonight Jonathan and I are heading out to get our Christmas Tree!!! It be tall and green and REAL!! I can't wait!
Well thats basically it for now, when I get the house all decorated for Christmas I will try to put up some pictures :)
God Bless!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

What kind of Smart are You?

All-Around Smart

You are all-around smart. Essentially, that means that you are a good combination of your own knowledge and experience, along with having learned through instruction - and you are equally as good with theoretical things as you are with real-world, applied things. You have a well-rounded brain.

20% applied intelligence
20% learned intelligence

http://www.quizgalaxy.com/result_images/int-quiz-bg.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat;'>
Take'>http://www.quizgalaxy.com/quiz.php?id=53">Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Cold Weather is all well and good unless it’s in your cubicle. Then it’s just cold. I had this darling little space heater to keep me warm here at my desk, unfortunately it’s a powerful little sucker and it shut off all the power in my office, twice. So now I am back to bundling up for work. Sweaters, parkas and the like, sadly I cannot type in gloves. We did put a piece of board in the vent where the air conditioning comes out, it will hopefully slow the dispersal of frigid air.
Okay, on to happier Thoughts! THANKSGIVING!! I love thanksgiving. It’s a lot of fun. Tomorrow I will be heading down to Longview to visit all the Family J and eat. There will be much eating! Friday Night we will head up to Graham to visit my Family there and do the eating thing again on Saturday!! Wow, I am full just thinking about it. I can’t wait to see everyone, then we get to do it all again for Christmas. Although after 3 delicious Turkeys this coming weekend I think I will be giving extra points for anyone who cooks, say ham for Christmas!! I love turkey though, I am just sorry that I will not get all the leftovers, ah the things you can do with turkey… sandwiches, soup, open faced sandwiches- I love it all, especially sandwiches with cranberry sauce.
So I want to Thank God for all of you, my family; Mom, Dad, Julie and Jeremiah, and The Ferguson’s Chris, Jan, Laura, and Teresa, my old and new extended family; G &G Nesler, Grandpa Larry and Grandma Ruth, Grandad and Grandma Theo, Aunt Linda, Aunt Bev, and Uncle Rich, Gloria and Deborah. And all my Aunts and cousins on my mom’s side, especially Aunt Marsha and my cousin Jess. I thank God for my wonderful husband Jonathan, and for my bunny rabbit (who will be coming to Longview with us), for several welcoming homes to go to, to eat a full meal. I thank God for the friends we have been blessed with and even for the ones we haven’t met yet. I thank God for my job, and reliable transportation. God has blessed me very much, and I hope that all of you take time to look at your blessings today and everyday.
May God Bless You,
Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


I love this time of year. Not a big fan of cold and wet, but other than that I love this season. I love Thanksgiving, and I cannot wait to explode with Christmas exitement. Now those of you who have spent a few Christmas' with me know that I get the Christmas itch the first week of November or so. You also know that there is always someone in my life that contains that itch, in my younger days in was my dad, then in college my all too sensible roomate, now, my beloved husband. In all cases they spend about 26 days trying to keep me in check (in respect for the beloved Thanksgiving) and then can't believe it when all my bottled-up Christmas love comes popping out as soon and The Thanksgiving pie is consumed. So this is me right now:
Taking in all the early Christmas decorations like they are best friends and quickly covering my mouth when a Christmas song comes to mind, to keep Jonathan from teasing me, then he does it anyway.
I have really pretty trees outside my window at work that are still changing colors and dropping leaves. And almost every day as I leave work I watch about a million crows head south for the winter. Jonathan and I went shopping and we each got a sweater, now I love sweaters, almost as much as the rest of all things Christmas. And I am so glad that Jonathan finally has one.
Holly likes Christmas too, I went and got her a salt lick... she was so excited she tried to take a bite out of it! Silly bunny. She calmed a bit once I gave her her dinner.
Well, thats all I have to say, I have been doing a bit of Christmas shopping, which I obviously caonnot talk about in such mixed company.
I love you all! Enjoy the Autumn beauty and (don't tell Jonathan I said this) Here comes Christmas!!
God Bless!!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

The Quartet Posted by Picasa

Costume Party

Dan and Joy hosted a Costume Party this last weekend and Jonathan and I went and enjoyed ourselves. We dragged Laura along with us and I am pretty sure that she had fun too. :)
Jonathan and I went as The Phantom and Christine From "Phantom of The Opera". Dan was a hobbit and Joy a Tolkien Elve.
Life is going well, I am looking forward to the visit from the Ferguson's this weekend.
Jonathan finally broke down and bought high end shoes... he usually purchases "payless" shoes and they wear out quickly so Last Night we went to Nordstom and Jonathan got a very nice pair of wingtips, he did the math and figured out that it was cheaper!
There is not too much going on around here, we both work and live life :)
Of course it is Christmas shopping season, which I REALLY enjoy.
For now that is it!
God Bless!

All Dressed Up! Posted by Picasa

Jonathan, Tonia and Laura, Otherwise known as "ThePhantom, Christine and The Dalmation" Posted by Picasa