Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Big Day


We had lots of adventures today, first we went to the MOPS swap- an annual event where we all donate our kids outgrown clothes and toys and go shopping through each others things and bring them home for our kids :) I got lots of 4 and 5's for David and a bagful of cuteness for Lynn. Then afterwards I took the kids to the mall, for the first time. I got a dress and David got to play then we shared Chinese food and got Lynn's ears pierced! She cried of course, but once we were in the car she fell asleep and forgot all about it and has been happy ever since- she is truly our little sunshine. She has been rolling over, from her back onto her stomach repeatedly since she figured out how to do it a couple of days ago. David informed me that Lynn was my sweetheart and that he wasn't, which was cute, funny and a little sad all at once. Enjoy the photo of Lynn in her pretty pearl earrings :)
God Bless!

Friday, March 25, 2011


Enjoy This little video of David kissing Lynn and Lynn being generally happy :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Goofing around....

David's new favorite thing is to say "picture this" and show me a funny face, or his elbow, or a train and have me take picture- so here are a couple of my favorite faces :) and some cute photos of Lynn to boot!
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Greetings from the Ferguson house! Most of us have colds and I am afraid that David seems to be the worse off since he can't blow his nose himself and has to keep asking for help... every 2 minutes. He has been watching 'UP' and likes the "snipe", especially the baby snipes at the end :)
Lynn is growing so fast, and learning to do so much! We just started using the exercauser and she seems to like it- new toys and a chance to stand, she has been rotating around and scooting a bit when lying on her back... I have a feeling she is going to shock me one day and just roll across the living room :)
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Monday, March 14, 2011

The Tea Party

David really did have fun at the tea party- the dress code had him a bit concerned, but he aquiesced once he was told that there were cupcakes involved :) Though once I had him all dressed up- he seemed to know that he was just too cute and insisted on wearing his coat right away! He didn't take it off until we had been at the party for a while and I told him that coats weren't to be worn at the table where the cupcakes were going to be served. ah- bribery! the other 2 gentlemen who had planned on attending the soiree were detained at the last minute so David was the sole prince amongst the many princesses. He dind't seem to mind :) there were dainty sandwiches, little cookies and pretzel sticks. David drank his cup of tea very genteely and had seconds, thirds and fourths.... and after his 6th or 7th cup I lost count! He loved decorating his cupcake, and as soon as it was finished to his exact specifications he ate it- well he got all the frosting off of it anyhow :) My well-mannered prince did quite well, until one of the princesses wanted to play with the Thomas Train he found shortly after arriving- he simply shouted no, and ran away. Luckily there were so many toys the girl dodn't seem to mind. I can't wait till Lynn is old enough for her first tea-party!
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Friday, March 11, 2011

Happy March!

We had a great day today, David was invited to a "cupcake tea party" where everyone arrived dressed up and ran around and played, then had tea and kid crumpets (cookies, pretzels and PB&J cut really small) then decorated cupcakes to enjoy. After which bubbles were blown and happy madness ensued! I will try to get some of the tea-party photos up soon, but for now here are a couple of Lynn and David since the little man was all spiffy :)
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